Xiaomi Smart Multi Mode Gateway 3
Xiaomi Smart Multi Mode Gateway 3
Device Type: miscElectrical Standard: global
The Xiaomi Smart Multi Mode Gateway 3 is a Zigbee gateway that can be used to connect Zigbee devices to your network.
It is based on the EFR32MG21 SoC and supports Zigbee 3.0.
The gateway can be controlled via the Xiaomi Home app and can be integrated with Home Assistant using the ESPHome integration.
---substitutions: name: zb-gw03-coordinator device_description: "Ethernet Zigbee Gateway based Zigbee Coordinator"
esphome: name: ${name} comment: ${device_description} min_version: 2024.6.0 on_boot: priority: 600 then: - switch.turn_off: download_mode - switch.turn_on: zigbee_reset
esp32: board: esp-wrover-kit framework: type: esp-idf
external_components: - source: github://oxan/esphome-stream-server@master
api:mqtt: broker: !secret mqtt_broker
ota: platform: esphome
logger: level: DEBUG
uart: id: uart_zigbee rx_pin: GPIO4 tx_pin: GPIO2 baud_rate: 115200
stream_server: uart_id: uart_zigbee port: 6638
switch: - platform: restart name: "${name} Restart"
- platform: template id: zigbee_reset name: "${name} Zigbee Reset" turn_on_action: - switch.turn_on: zigbee_rst - delay: 10ms - switch.turn_off: zigbee_rst
# SM-011 V1.0 nRST - platform: gpio id: zigbee_rst pin: GPIO13 name: "${name} Zigbee nRST" inverted: true internal: true restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
# SM-011 V1.0 PA00 - platform: gpio id: download_mode pin: GPIO12 name: "${name} Zigbee Download Mode" inverted: true restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF - platform: template id: zigbee_pairing_mode name: "${name} Toggle pairing mode" turn_on_action: - switch.turn_on: download_mode - delay: 5s - switch.turn_off: download_mode
light: - platform: monochromatic name: "${name} green led" output: output0
output: - platform: ledc pin: GPIO14 id: output0 inverted: true
mdns: services: - service: _tube_zb_gw_efr32 protocol: _tcp port: 6638 txt: name: ZB-GW03 version: 1.0 radio_type: ezsp baud_rate: 115200 data_flow_control: software
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password
#ethernet: # This cannot be enabled at the same time as wifi# type: LAN8720# mdc_pin: GPIO23# mdio_pin: GPIO18# clk_mode: GPIO17_OUT# phy_addr: 1# power_pin: GPIO16 i2c: - id: i2c_bus sda: GPIO33 scl: GPIO32 scan: true
binary_sensor: - platform: gpio name: "${name} Enable Pairing Mode" internal: true pin: number: GPIO34 inverted: true on_press: - switch.turn_on: download_mode - delay: 5s - switch.turn_off: download_mode
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