Sonoff POW Elite 20a (POWR320D)
Sonoff POW Elite 20a (POWR320D)
Device Type: relayElectrical Standard: globalBoard: esp32Difficulty: Disassembly required, 3/5
Bootloop Workaround
Some people experience a boot loop after flashing esphome directly. The boot loop seems to appear on 3.3V DC power only (not on AC). Here's a workaround:
GPIO Pinout
Pin | Function |
GPIO00 | Push Button (HIGH = off, LOW = on) |
GPIO02 | Relay1 (320D - bi-stable - On) |
GPIO04 | Relay1 (320D - bi-stable - Off) |
GPIO05 | Wifi_LED |
GPIO14 | TM1621 DA |
GPIO16 | CSE7766 Rx |
GPIO18 | Status LED (HIGH = off, LOW = on) |
GPIO25 | TM1621 CS |
GPIO26 | TM1621 RD |
GPIO27 | TM1621 WR |
Basic Configuration
# Basic Configsubstitutions: friendly_name: POW Elite 20A device_name: pow-elite-20a update_interval: 2s
esphome: name: $device_name on_boot: # Set the initial state of the template switch to the actual relay state. This will NOT change the state. priority: 250.0 # Wait until WiFi is connected to allow the sensor some time to settle then: - if: condition: lambda: 'return id(v_sensor).state > 10;' then: - switch.turn_on: relay_1 else: - switch.turn_off: relay_1
esp32: board: nodemcu-32s
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password ap: ssid: $device_name password: !secret wifi_failover
logger: level: INFO
api: encryption: key: !secret api_enc
ota: password: !secret ota_pwd
esp32_ble_tracker: scan_parameters: interval: 1100ms window: 1100ms active: true
bluetooth_proxy: active: true
uart: rx_pin: GPIO16 baud_rate: 4800 parity: EVEN
time: - platform: homeassistant id: homeassistant_time
sensor: - platform: cse7766 current: name: $friendly_name Current id: a_sensor filters: - throttle_average: ${update_interval} voltage: name: $friendly_name Voltage id: v_sensor filters: - throttle_average: ${update_interval} power: name: $friendly_name Power id: w_sensor filters: - throttle_average: ${update_interval} on_value_range: - above: 4.0 then: - light.turn_on: switch_led - below: 3.0 then: - light.turn_off: switch_led energy: name: $friendly_name Energy id: wh_sensor filters: - throttle_average: ${update_interval}
- platform: total_daily_energy name: $friendly_name Total Daily Energy power_id: w_sensor filters: - multiply: 0.001 unit_of_measurement: kWh
- platform: wifi_signal name: $friendly_name Wifi RSSI update_interval: 60s
- platform: uptime id: uptime_sensor internal: True on_raw_value: then: - text_sensor.template.publish: id: uptime_human state: !lambda |- int seconds = round(id(uptime_sensor).raw_state); int days = seconds / (24 * 3600); seconds = seconds % (24 * 3600); int hours = seconds / 3600; seconds = seconds % 3600; int minutes = seconds / 60; seconds = seconds % 60; return ( (days ? to_string(days) + "d " : "") + (hours ? to_string(hours) + "h " : "") + (minutes ? to_string(minutes) + "m " : "") + (to_string(seconds) + "s") ).c_str();
- platform: template name: $friendly_name ESP32 Internal Temp device_class: temperature unit_of_measurement: °C id: esp32_temp lambda: return temperatureRead();
- platform: template name: $friendly_name Power Factor device_class: power_factor id: power_factor lambda: return id(w_sensor).state / id(v_sensor).state / id(a_sensor).state;
- platform: esp32_hall name: $friendly_name ESP32 Hall Sensor update_interval: 60s
binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO00 id: reset internal: true filters: - invert: - delayed_off: 10ms on_click: - max_length: 350ms # short press to toggle the relay then: switch.toggle: relay_1 - min_length: 360ms # long press to cycle display info max_length: 3s then: - if: condition: binary_sensor.is_on: page then: binary_sensor.template.publish: id: page state: OFF else: binary_sensor.template.publish: id: page state: ON - platform: template # this is a fake sensor to tell the screen which info to show on display id: page publish_initial_state: true internal: true - platform: template name: $friendly_name Load id: load_on lambda: |- if (isnan(id(w_sensor).state)) { return {}; } else if (id(w_sensor).state > 4) { // Running return true; } else { // Not running return false; }
display: platform: tm1621 id: tm1621_display cs_pin: GPIO25 data_pin: GPIO14 read_pin: GPIO26 write_pin: GPIO27 lambda: |- if (id(page).state) { it.display_voltage(true); it.display_kwh(false); it.printf(0, "%.1f", id(v_sensor).state); it.printf(1, "%.1f", id(a_sensor).state); } else { it.display_voltage(false); it.display_kwh(true); it.printf(0, "%.1f", id(wh_sensor).state); it.printf(1, "%.1f", id(w_sensor).state); }
output: - platform: ledc id: led pin: number: GPIO18 inverted: True
switch: - platform: template name: $friendly_name optimistic: true id: relay_1 turn_off_action: - switch.turn_on: relay_off turn_on_action: - switch.turn_on: relay_on - platform: gpio restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF internal: true id: relay_off pin: GPIO04 on_turn_on: - delay: 500ms - switch.turn_off: relay_off # bi-stable relay so no need to keep on - light.turn_off: switch_led interlock: [relay_on] - platform: gpio restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF internal: true id: relay_on pin: GPIO02 on_turn_on: - delay: 500ms - switch.turn_off: relay_on # bi-stable relay so no need to keep on - light.turn_on: switch_led interlock: [relay_off] - platform: restart name: $friendly_name Restart
text_sensor: - platform: template name: $friendly_name Uptime id: uptime_human icon: mdi:clock-start - platform: wifi_info ip_address: name: $friendly_name IP ssid: name: $friendly_name SSID bssid: name: $friendly_name BSSID
light: - platform: monochromatic id: switch_led output: led internal: True - platform: status_led id: wifi_status_led internal: True pin: number: GPIO05 inverted: True
interval: - interval: 30s then: if: condition: wifi.connected: then: - light.turn_on: wifi_status_led else: - light.turn_off: wifi_status_led