Shelly Plus 2PM
Shelly Plus 2PM
Device Type: switchBoard: esp32
Hardware Versions
There are currently 3 known hardware versions of the Shelly Plus 2PM. The pinout is incompatible between PCB version 0.1.5 and 0.1.9.
- PCB v0.1.5 with ESP32-U4WDH (Single core, 160MHz, 4MB embedded flash) Sold pre 2022
- PCB v0.1.9 with ESP32-U4WDH (Single core, 160MHz, 4MB embedded flash) Sold first half of 2022
- PCB v0.1.9 with ESP32-U4WDH (Dual core, 240MHz, 4MB embedded flash) Sold since 2022-09-20 (or earlier)
4 units bought directly from Shelly 2022-09-20 were confirmed to be PCB v0.1.9 with 3 units being dual core ESP32-U4WDH, the last a single core. The advantage of the dual core version is that it supports the arduino framework.
3 units bought from a reseller in Austria in 2024 were (without opening and checking the PCB) assumed to be PCB v0.1.9 and dual core ESP32-U4WDH. No problems were faced with this assumption.
The single core version of the ESP32-U4WDH will probably be discontinued according to Espressif PCN
The PCB version number is printed on the back of the PCB.
The version of the ESP32-U4WDH can be determined by looking at the second to last line printed on the chip. If the line contains 8 characters starting with "H", the chip is single core 160MHz. If the line contains 9 characters starting with "DH", the chip is a dual core 240MHz.
GPIO Pinout
Function | v0.1.5 | v0.1.9 |
LED (Inverted) | GPIO0 | GPIO0 |
Button (Inverted, Pull-up) | GPIO27 | GPIO4 |
Switch 1 Input | GPIO2 | GPIO5 |
Switch 2 Input | GPIO18 | GPIO18 |
Relay 1 | GPIO13 | GPIO13 |
Relay 2 | GPIO12 | GPIO12 |
I2C SCL | GPIO25 | GPIO25 |
I2C SDA | GPIO33 | GPIO26 |
ADE7953_IRQ (power meter) | GPIO36 | GPIO27 |
Internal Temperature | GPIO37 | GPIO35 |
Internal Temperature Sensor
An internal NTC temperature sensor in a "DOWNSTREAM" configuration is fitted (ESPHome reference). Both R1 and R2 has been desoldered and found to be 10k fixed resistor and 10k@25C NTC. The Beta constant of the NTC cannot easily be measured, and is guessed to be ~3350.
v0.1.5 pinout credit to: blakadder
Minimal configuration for PCB v0.1.9 and Dual Core
Minimal configuration with all inputs/outputs and sensors configured
Note that in this example, the relay numbering is swapped compared to the above pinout and the inverter filter is only applied to one of the two power channels. This example would be wrong with the Shellys bought from Austria in 2024.
substitutions: devicename: "shelly-plus-2pm" output_name_1: "Output 1" output_name_2: "Output 2" input_name_1: "Input 1" input_name_2: "Input 2"
# For PCB v0.1.9 with dual core ESP32esphome: name: ${devicename}
esp32: board: esp32doit-devkit-v1 framework: type: arduino
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password
i2c: sda: GPIO26 scl: GPIO25
output: - platform: gpio id: "relay_output_1" pin: GPIO12 - platform: gpio id: "relay_output_2" pin: GPIO13
switch: - platform: output id: "relay_1" name: "${output_name_1}" output: "relay_output_1" - platform: output id: "relay_2" name: "${output_name_2}" output: "relay_output_2"
binary_sensor: # Button on device - platform: gpio name: "${devicename} Button" pin: number: GPIO4 inverted: yes mode: input: true pullup: true internal: true # Input 1 - platform: gpio name: "${input_name_1}" pin: GPIO5 filters: - delayed_on_off: 50ms on_press: then: - switch.toggle: relay_1 internal: true # Input 2 - platform: gpio name: "${input_name_2}" pin: GPIO18 filters: - delayed_on_off: 50ms on_press: then: - switch.toggle: relay_2 internal: true
sensor: # Power Sensor - platform: ade7953_i2c irq_pin: GPIO27 voltage: name: "${devicename} Voltage" entity_category: 'diagnostic' current_a: name: "${output_name_2} Current" entity_category: 'diagnostic' active_power_a: name: "${output_name_2} Power" id: power_channel_2 entity_category: 'diagnostic' filters: - multiply: -1 current_b: name: "${output_name_1} Current" entity_category: 'diagnostic' active_power_b: name: "${output_name_1} Power" id: power_channel_1 entity_category: 'diagnostic' update_interval: 10s
# Internal NTC Temperature sensor - platform: ntc sensor: temp_resistance_reading name: "${devicename} Temperature" unit_of_measurement: "°C" accuracy_decimals: 1 icon: "mdi:thermometer" entity_category: 'diagnostic' calibration: b_constant: 3350 reference_resistance: 4.7kOhm reference_temperature: 298.15K
# Required for NTC sensor - platform: resistance id: temp_resistance_reading sensor: temp_analog_reading configuration: DOWNSTREAM resistor: 5.6kOhm
# Required for NTC sensor - platform: adc id: temp_analog_reading pin: GPIO35 attenuation: 12db update_interval: 10s
Example snippet for Single Core
Shows which settings under esphome and esp32 need to be changed to support the single core 160MHz version of the chip
Note that single core chips are only supported by the esp-idf framework, not arduino. This means that, for instance, captive portal (required for fallback AP to work) cannot be used.
# For Single Core ESP32esphome: name: shelly-plus-2pm platformio_options: board_build.f_cpu: 160000000L
esp32: board: esp32doit-devkit-v1 framework: type: esp-idf sdkconfig_options: CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE: y CONFIG_ESP32_DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ_160: y CONFIG_ESP32_DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ_MHZ: "160"
Advanced Configuration Example for PCB v0.1.9 and Dual Core
- Detached switch mode and toggle light switch
- Includes overpower and overtemperature protection.
- Will toggle a smart bulb in home assistant and has fallback to local power switching when connection to home assitant is down.
Note that in this example, the two power channels are swapped and the inverter filter is only applied to one of the two power channels. This example would be wrong with the Shellys bought from Austria in 2024.
substitutions: devicename: "shelly-plus-2pm" upper_devicename: "Shelly Plus 2PM" device_name_1: "Shelly Plus 2PM Switch 1" device_name_2: "Shelly Plus 2PM Switch 2" # Home Assistant light bulb to toggle bulb_name_1: "light.smart_bulb_1" bulb_name_2: "light.smart_bulb_2" # Relay trip limits max_power: "3600.0" max_temp: "80.0"
# For PCB v0.1.9 with dual core ESP32esphome: name: "${devicename}"
esp32: board: esp32doit-devkit-v1 framework: type: arduino
# Enable logginglogger:
# Enable Home Assistant APIapi:
ota: password: !secret ota_password
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password fast_connect: true
ap: ssid: "${upper_devicename} fallback AP" password: !secret fallback_password
time: - platform: homeassistant
i2c: sda: GPIO26 scl: GPIO25
output: - platform: gpio id: "relay_output_1" pin: GPIO13
- platform: gpio id: "relay_output_2" pin: GPIO12
#Shelly Switch Outputswitch: - platform: output id: "relay_1" name: "${device_name_1} Output" output: "relay_output_1" restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF
- platform: output id: "relay_2" name: "${device_name_2} Output" output: "relay_output_2" restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF
# Restart Buttonbutton: - platform: restart id: "restart_device" name: "${device_name_1} Restart" entity_category: 'diagnostic'
#home assistant bulb to switchtext_sensor: - platform: homeassistant id: 'ha_bulb_1' entity_id: "${bulb_name_1}" internal: true - platform: homeassistant id: 'ha_bulb_2' entity_id: "${bulb_name_2}" internal: true
binary_sensor: #Shelly Switch Input 1 - platform: gpio name: "${device_name_1} Input" pin: GPIO5 #small delay to prevent debouncing filters: - delayed_on_off: 50ms # config for state change of input button on_state: then: - if: condition: and: - wifi.connected: - api.connected: - switch.is_on: "relay_1" - lambda: 'return (id(ha_bulb_1).state == "on" || id(ha_bulb_1).state == "off");' # toggle smart light if wifi and api are connected and relay is on then: - homeassistant.service: service: light.toggle data: entity_id: "${bulb_name_1}" else: - switch.toggle: "relay_1"
#Shelly Switch Input 2 - platform: gpio name: "${device_name_2} Input" pin: GPIO18 #small delay to prevent debouncing filters: - delayed_on_off: 50ms # config for state change of input button on_state: then: - if: condition: and: - wifi.connected: - api.connected: - switch.is_on: "relay_2" - lambda: 'return (id(ha_bulb_2).state == "on" || id(ha_bulb_2).state == "off");' # toggle smart light if wifi and api are connected and relay is on then: - homeassistant.service: service: light.toggle data: entity_id: "${bulb_name_2}" else: - switch.toggle: "relay_2"
#reset button on device - platform: gpio name: "${upper_devicename} Button" pin: number: GPIO4 inverted: yes mode: input: true pullup: true on_press: then: - "restart_device" filters: - delayed_on_off: 5ms internal: true
sensor: # Uptime sensor. - platform: uptime name: "${upper_devicename} Uptime" entity_category: 'diagnostic' update_interval: 300s
# WiFi Signal sensor. - platform: wifi_signal name: "${upper_devicename} WiFi Signal" update_interval: 60s entity_category: 'diagnostic'
#temperature sensor - platform: ntc sensor: temp_resistance_reading name: "${upper_devicename} Temperature" unit_of_measurement: "°C" accuracy_decimals: 1 icon: "mdi:thermometer" entity_category: 'diagnostic' calibration: #These default values don't seem accurate b_constant: 3350 reference_resistance: 10kOhm reference_temperature: 298.15K on_value_range: - above: ${max_temp} then: - switch.turn_off: "relay_1" - switch.turn_off: "relay_2" - homeassistant.service: service: persistent_notification.create data: title: "Message from ${upper_devicename}" data_template: message: "${device_name_1} and ${device_name_2} turned off because temperature exceeded ${max_temp}°C"
- platform: resistance id: temp_resistance_reading sensor: temp_analog_reading configuration: DOWNSTREAM resistor: 10kOhm
- platform: adc id: temp_analog_reading pin: GPIO35 attenuation: 12db update_interval: 60s
#power monitoring - platform: ade7953_i2c irq_pin: GPIO27 # Prevent overheating by setting this voltage: name: "${upper_devicename} Voltage" entity_category: 'diagnostic' # On the Shelly 2.5 channels are mixed ch1=B ch2=A current_a: name: "${device_name_2} Current" entity_category: 'diagnostic' current_b: name: "${device_name_1} Current" entity_category: 'diagnostic' active_power_a: name: "${device_name_2} Power" id: power_channel_2 entity_category: 'diagnostic' # active_power_a is normal, so don't multiply by -1 on_value_range: - above: ${max_power} then: - switch.turn_off: "relay_2" - homeassistant.service: service: persistent_notification.create data: title: "Message from ${upper_devicename}" data_template: message: "${device_name_2} turned off because power exceeded ${max_power}W" active_power_b: name: "${device_name_1} Power" id: power_channel_1 entity_category: 'diagnostic' # active_power_b is inverted, so multiply by -1 filters: - multiply: -1 on_value_range: - above: ${max_power} then: - switch.turn_off: "relay_1" - homeassistant.service: service: persistent_notification.create data: title: "Message from ${upper_devicename}" data_template: message: "${device_name_1} turned off because power exceeded ${max_power}W" update_interval: 30s
- platform: total_daily_energy name: "${device_name_1} Daily Energy" power_id: power_channel_1 - platform: total_daily_energy name: "${device_name_2} Daily Energy" power_id: power_channel_2
status_led: pin: number: GPIO0 inverted: true
Current Based Cover Configuration Example for PCB v0.1.9 and Dual Core
To use the Shelly Plus 2PM to control a window cover with an "opening" and a "closing" motor, the Current Based Cover is used.
This configuration was implemented and tested on three pieces bought in Austria in 2024. As opposed to the examples above, power channel A is for relay 1 (for the "opening" motor), power channel B is for relay 2 (for the "closing" motor), and both power channels need to be inverted in order for the measurement to represent the motors' power consumptions positively.
- outputs are configured to be mutually exclusive (never put power on both the opening and the closing motor)
- the input channels (one for "opening", one for "closing") are used for manual overriding. They always have presidence if used.
- whether or not the manual override is active is exposed as a binary sensor.
substitutions: devicename: "shelly-plus-2pm" # Relay trip limits max_power: "3600.0" max_temp: "80.0" # current-based cover parameters open_duration: 54s close_duration: 53s max_duration: 70s start_sensing_delay: 1.5s moving_current_threshold: "0.2" obstacle_current_threshold: "0.8"
# For PCB v0.1.9 with dual core ESP32esphome: name: "${devicename}" comment: "Shelly Plus 2PM configured for a current-based blind, with on-connection-loss-opening failsafe with durations open:${open_duration}, close:${close_duration}, max:${max_duration} and current thresholds moving:${moving_current_threshold}, obstacle:${obstacle_current_threshold}"
esp32: board: esp32doit-devkit-v1 framework: type: arduino
# Enable logginglogger:
# Enable Home Assistant APIapi: encryption: key: !secret api_key on_client_disconnected: # failsafe then: - script.execute: blinds_open_if_no_manual_override
ota: password: !secret ota_password
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password fast_connect: on on_disconnect: # failsafe then: - script.execute: blinds_open_if_no_manual_override
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "${devicename}-AP" password: !secret ap_password
time: - platform: homeassistant id: homeassistant_time
# Enable Web serverweb_server: port: 80 auth: username: !secret web_server_username password: !secret web_server_password
i2c: sda: GPIO26 scl: GPIO25
# scripts for controlling the blindsscript: - id: blinds_open then: - switch.turn_off: switch_close# - delay: 0.1s - switch.turn_on: switch_open - id: blinds_close then: - switch.turn_off: switch_open# - delay: 0.1s - switch.turn_on: switch_close - id: blinds_stop then: - switch.turn_off: switch_open - switch.turn_off: switch_close - id: blinds_open_if_no_manual_override then: - if: condition: binary_sensor.is_off: manual_override then: - script.execute: blinds_open
#internal Shelly Switch Outputsswitch: - platform: gpio id: "switch_open" pin: GPIO13 internal: true restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF interlock: [switch_close] interlock_wait_time: 200ms - platform: gpio id: "switch_close" pin: GPIO12 internal: true restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF interlock: [switch_open] interlock_wait_time: 200ms
#Blind Output - current-based covercover: - platform: current_based device_class: blind name: "Blind Output" # for all actions (open, close, stop), respect a possible manual override. On manual override, do nothing. open_action: - if: condition: binary_sensor.is_off: manual_override then: - script.execute: blinds_open else: - homeassistant.service: service: persistent_notification.create data: title: "Message from ${devicename}" data_template: message: "Cannot open blinds because manual override is active." close_action: - if: condition: binary_sensor.is_off: manual_override then: - script.execute: blinds_close else: - homeassistant.service: service: persistent_notification.create data: title: "Message from ${devicename}" data_template: message: "Cannot close blinds because manual override is active." stop_action: - if: condition: binary_sensor.is_off: manual_override then: - script.execute: blinds_stop else: - homeassistant.service: service: persistent_notification.create data: title: "Message from ${devicename}" data_template: message: "Cannot stop blinds because manual override is active." open_sensor: current_open open_moving_current_threshold: ${moving_current_threshold} open_obstacle_current_threshold: ${obstacle_current_threshold} open_duration: ${open_duration} close_sensor: current_close close_moving_current_threshold: ${moving_current_threshold} close_obstacle_current_threshold: ${obstacle_current_threshold} close_duration: ${close_duration} max_duration: ${max_duration} # obstacle_rollback: 10% # default start_sensing_delay: ${start_sensing_delay} malfunction_detection: true malfunction_action: then: - homeassistant.service: service: persistent_notification.create data: title: "Message from ${devicename}" data_template: message: "Malfunction detected. Relays welded."
binary_sensor: #Shelly Switch Input 1 - "open blind" input - platform: gpio id: "input_open" name: "Open Input" pin: GPIO5 #small delay for debouncing filters: - delayed_on_off: 50ms # when pressed, open blinds: on_press: then: - script.execute: blinds_open # when released, stop blinds: on_release: then: - script.execute: blinds_stop #Shelly Switch Input 2 - "close blind" input - platform: gpio id: "input_close" name: "Close Input" pin: GPIO18 #small delay for debouncing filters: - delayed_on_off: 50ms # when pressed, close blinds: on_press: then: - script.execute: blinds_close # when released, stop blinds: on_release: then: - script.execute: blinds_stop #Manual Override Sensor - exposes if any of the input switches are on and therefore manual blind control override is avtive - platform: template id: "manual_override" name: "Manual Input Override" lambda: |- return ( id(input_open).state || id(input_close).state ); #button - exposed in casing. - platform: gpio name: "$devicename Button" pin: number: GPIO4 inverted: yes mode: input: true pullup: true filters: - delayed_on_off: 5ms
sensor: # WiFi Signal sensor. - platform: wifi_signal name: "${devicename} - Wifi Signal" update_interval: 60s icon: mdi:wifi
# Uptime sensor. - platform: uptime name: "${devicename} - Uptime" update_interval: 60s icon: mdi:clock-outline
#temperature sensor - platform: ntc sensor: temp_resistance_reading name: "${devicename} Temperature" unit_of_measurement: "°C" accuracy_decimals: 1 icon: "mdi:thermometer" entity_category: 'diagnostic' calibration: b_constant: 3350 reference_resistance: 10kOhm # ATTENTION in other template configurations for the Shelly Plus 2PM, the resistance is 4.7k reference_temperature: 298.15K on_value_range: - above: ${max_temp} then: - script.execute: blinds_stop - homeassistant.service: service: persistent_notification.create data: title: "Message from ${devicename}" data_template: message: "Relays turned off because temperature exceeded ${max_temp}°C"
- platform: resistance id: temp_resistance_reading sensor: temp_analog_reading configuration: DOWNSTREAM resistor: 10kOhm # ATTENTION in other template configurations for the Shelly Plus 2PM, the resistance is 5.6k
- platform: adc id: temp_analog_reading pin: GPIO35 attenuation: 12db update_interval: 10s
#power monitoring - platform: ade7953_i2c irq_pin: GPIO27 # Prevent overheating by setting this voltage: name: "${devicename} - Voltage" unit_of_measurement: V accuracy_decimals: 1 icon: mdi:flash-outline # On the Shelly Plus 2PM bought in Austria in 2024, the channels are in order: ch1=A ch2=B current_a: id: current_open name: "${devicename} - Opening Relay Current" unit_of_measurement: A accuracy_decimals: 3 icon: mdi:current-ac current_b: id: current_close name: "${devicename} - Closing Relay Current" unit_of_measurement: A accuracy_decimals: 3 icon: mdi:current-ac active_power_a: name: "${devicename} - Opening Relay Power" id: power_relay_open unit_of_measurement: W icon: mdi:gauge # active_power_a is inverted, so multiply by -1 filters: - multiply: -1 on_value_range: - above: ${max_power} then: - switch.turn_off: switch_open - homeassistant.service: service: persistent_notification.create data: title: "Message from ${devicename}" data_template: message: "Opening Relay turned off because power exceeded ${max_power}W" active_power_b: name: "${devicename} - Closing Relay Power" id: power_relay_close unit_of_measurement: W icon: mdi:gauge # active_power_b is inverted, so multiply by -1 filters: - multiply: -1 on_value_range: - above: ${max_power} then: - switch.turn_off: switch_close - homeassistant.service: service: persistent_notification.create data: title: "Message from ${devicename}" data_template: message: "Closing Relay turned off because power exceeded ${max_power}W" update_interval: 0.5s
- platform: total_daily_energy name: "${devicename} - Opening Relay Daily Electric Consumption" power_id: power_relay_open - platform: total_daily_energy name: "${devicename} - Closing Relay Daily Electric Consumption" power_id: power_relay_close
status_led: pin: number: GPIO0 inverted: true
text_sensor: - platform: wifi_info ip_address: name: "${devicename} - IP Address" ssid: name: "${devicename} - Wi-Fi SSID" bssid: name: "${devicename} - Wi-Fi BSSID" - platform: version name: "${devicename} - ESPHome Version" hide_timestamp: true