NEO Coolcam Temperature and Humidity 3in1 Alarm Siren (NAS-AB02W)
NEO Coolcam Temperature and Humidity 3in1 Alarm Siren (NAS-AB02W)
Device Type: sensorElectrical Standard: globalBoard: esp8266
This is a Tuya siren with temperature and humidity sensor. Runs on USB and two CR123A batteries as backup (not supplied with the device). Hardware Versions
There are, so far, three known hardware versions. The console will show one of these MCU Product ID’s: {"p":"ymf4oruxqx0xlogp","v":"1.0.0","m":0}, {"p":"ymf4oruxqx0xlogp","v":"1.0.1","m":0} , {"p":"ymf4oruxqx0xlogp","v":"1.0.2","m":0}, {“p”:”ymf4oruxqx0xlogp”,”v”:”1.0.3”,”m”:0} or {"p":"9fngbrgje6ljqhee","v":"1.0.2","m":0}
The ymf versions work with tuya-convert but the 9fn version requires flashing the device with serial.
The 1.0.1 version supports the TuyaSend0 command to query the MCU for the latest values but the 1.0.2 version does not appear to support that command at this time (2021-03-05).
In an order on 2021-01-31 for three devices, one of each hardware versions was received. In an order from 2020-12, the 1.0.1 version was received, which is rock solid.
Basic Configuration
substitutions: name: coolcam_alarm_sensor friendly_name: Coolcam Alarm Sensor
esphome: name: ${name} friendly_name: ${friendly_name}
esp8266: board: esp01_1m
# Enable logginglogger: baud_rate: 0
# Enable Home Assistant APIapi:
ota: - platform: esphome
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: ${friendly_name} Fallback password: !secret wifi_password
# Dia / Horatime: - platform: sntp id: sntp_time timezone: Europe/Madrid servers: - - -
uart: rx_pin: RX tx_pin: TX baud_rate: 9600
tuya: time_id: sntp_time
switch: - platform: "tuya" name: "Alarm" switch_datapoint: 104 icon: "mdi:alarm-bell" - platform: "tuya" name: "Temperature Alarm" switch_datapoint: 113 icon: "mdi:thermometer-alert" - platform: "tuya" name: "Humidity Alarm" switch_datapoint: 114 icon: "mdi:water-percent-alert" - platform: "tuya" name: "Unit ºF (OFF) / ºC (ON)" switch_datapoint: 112 icon: "mdi:temperature-celsius"
sensor: - platform: "tuya" name: "Temperature" sensor_datapoint: 105 unit_of_measurement: "°C" icon: "mdi:thermometer" device_class: "temperature" state_class: "measurement" accuracy_decimals: 1 filters: - multiply: 0.1 - platform: "tuya" name: "Humidity" sensor_datapoint: 106 unit_of_measurement: "%" icon: "mdi:water-percent" device_class: "humidity" state_class: "measurement" accuracy_decimals: 0
text_sensor: - platform: tuya name: "Power Type" sensor_datapoint: 101 icon: "mdi:power-plug-battery" filters: - substitute: - "1 -> Battery High" - "2 -> Battery Medium" - "3 -> Battery Low" - "4 -> USB Port"
select: - platform: tuya name: "Alarm Sound" enum_datapoint: 102 icon: "mdi:music-note" optimistic: true options: 0: Doorbell 1: Fur Elise 2: Big Ben 3: Ring Ring 4: Lone Ranger 5: Turkish March 6: High Pitched 7: Red Alert 8: Crickets 9: Beep 10: Dog Bark 11: Police Siren 12: Grandfather Clock 13: Phone Ring 14: Fire Truck 15: Clock Chime 16: Alarm Clock 17: School Bell - platform: tuya name: "Volume" enum_datapoint: 116 icon: "mdi:volume-high" optimistic: true options: 0: High 1: Medium 2: Low
number: - platform: tuya name: "Alarm Duration (in s)" number_datapoint: 103 icon: "mdi:timer" min_value: 0 max_value: 300 step: 5 - platform: tuya name: "Min. Temp. Alarm" number_datapoint: 107 icon: "mdi:thermometer-chevron-down" min_value: 0 max_value: 100 step: 1 - platform: tuya name: "Max. Temp. Alarm" number_datapoint: 108 icon: "mdi:thermometer-chevron-up" min_value: 0 max_value: 100 step: 1 - platform: tuya name: "Min. Hum. Alarm" number_datapoint: 109 icon: "mdi:water-minus" min_value: 0 max_value: 100 step: 1 - platform: tuya name: "Max. Hum. Alarm" number_datapoint: 110 icon: "mdi:water-plus" min_value: 0 max_value: 100 step: 1