Mill panel heater (generation 2)
Mill panel heater (generation 2)
Device Type: miscElectrical Standard: globalBoard: esp8266Difficulty: Chip needs replacement, 5/5
General Notes
Mill panel heaters are available in various versions. This component is specifically designed for Generation 2 panel heaters (not compatible with portable heater models). Have a look here to check which generation you have If you have a Generation 3 panel heater (which comes with a built-in ESP32), check out this component:
To use this component with a Generation 2 panel heater, you’ll need to replace the HF-LPT120A module with an ESP8266.
HF-LPT120A desoldered
Solder the ESP8266 in place. Refer to the GPIO Pinout section for detailed instructions
GPIO Pinout
PIN (mill board) | ESP8266 | Description |
+3.3V | VCC | Power input (3.3V) |
GND | GND | Ground |
WTX | TX (GPIO1) | UART transmitter |
WRX | RX (GPIO3) | UART receiver |
substitutions: devicename: "millzero_heater" #Lower case name friendly_name: "Mill Zero heater"
esphome: name: "${devicename}"
external_components: source: type: git url: components: [ mill_panelheater_gen2 ]
esp8266: board: d1_mini
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password ap:
# Enable logginglogger: baud_rate: 0 # Deactived to prevent conflict with UART, sending UART to mill controller does not work if enabled
# Enable Home Assistant APIapi:
uart: id: uart_bus tx_pin: GPIO01 rx_pin: GPIO03 baud_rate: 9600
climate: - platform: mill_panelheater_gen2 name: Mill heater
This component is based on the work by and
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