Lanbon L8 Smart Switch Panel
Lanbon L8 Smart Switch Panel
Device Type: miscElectrical Standard: globalBoard: esp32Difficulty: Plug-n-flash, 2/5
- Processor: ESP32-WROVER-B
- Touchscreen:
- Display: ST7789 (using
GPIO Pinout
SPI (used for display)
Pin | Function |
GPIO19 | clock |
GPIO23 | mosi |
GPIO25 | miso |
GPIO22 | cs |
GPIO21 | dc |
GPIO18 | reset |
I²C (used for touchscreen)
Pin | Function |
GPIO4 | i2c SDA |
GPIO0 | i2c SCL |
Pin | Function |
GPIO5 | backlight |
Mood Light
Pin | Function |
GPIO26 | red |
GPIO32 | green |
GPIO33 | blue |
Relay (3-gang switch model)
Pin | Function |
GPIO12 | relay #1 |
GPIO14 | relay #2 |
GPIO27 | relay #3 |
How To Flash
See BlackAdder's instruction on how to flash custom firmware. No soldering required.
Example Configuration
psram: mode: octal speed: 80MHz
output: - platform: ledc pin: GPIO5 id: backlight_pwm - platform: ledc pin: GPIO26 id: moodRed - platform: ledc pin: GPIO32 id: moodGreen - platform: ledc pin: GPIO33 id: moodBlue - platform: gpio pin: GPIO12 id: relay_1 - platform: gpio pin: GPIO14 id: relay_2 - platform: gpio pin: GPIO27 id: relay_3
light: - platform: rgb name: "Mood Light" red: moodRed green: moodGreen blue: moodBlue - platform: monochromatic name: "Backlight" id: backlight output: backlight_pwm restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON
spi: clk_pin: GPIO19 mosi_pin: GPIO23 miso_pin: GPIO25
i2c: sda: GPIO4 scl: GPIO0
display: - id: langbon_L8 platform: ili9xxx model: ST7789V invert_colors: false dimensions: 240x320 cs_pin: GPIO22 dc_pin: GPIO21 reset_pin: GPIO18 auto_clear_enabled: false update_interval: never rotation: 180
touchscreen: platform: ft63x6 calibration: x_min: 0 y_min: 0 x_max: 230 y_max: 312 on_release: - if: condition: lvgl.is_paused then: - lvgl.resume: - lvgl.widget.redraw: - light.turn_on: backlight
lvgl: on_idle: timeout: !lambda "return 10000;" then: - light.turn_off: backlight - lvgl.pause: pages: ...