Gosund SP111
Gosund SP111
Device Type: plugElectrical Standard: euBoard: esp8266
Looks like device chip was replaced to non-flashable custom tasmota chip.
Please be aware, that there is a new version of that outlet, often having the phrase EP2
instead or in addition to SP111
, sold starting in November 2020. For that version, the tuya script does not longer work! Also a breakless opening of the plug is much harder due to a removed screw on the bottom of the device.
The older devices can be flashed using tuya-convert. Fresh out of the factory it will be in autoconfig mode. When plugged in for the first time tuya-convert will pick it up directly.
Make sure the plug has that screw on the bottom!
GPIO Pinout
Pin | Function |
GPIO00 | Led1i |
GPIO01 | None |
GPIO02 | LedLinki |
GPIO03 | None |
GPIO05 | BL0937 CF |
GPIO09 | None |
GPIO10 | None |
GPIO13 | Button1 |
GPIO14 | None |
GPIO15 | Relay1 |
GPIO16 | None |
Basic Configuration
substitutions: devicename: "gosund_sp111" upper_devicename: "Gosund SP111" # Higher value gives lower watt readout current_res: "0.00280" # Lower value gives lower voltage readout. In my case of about 15 of those devices this value is closest to my voltage meter voltage_div: "648"
esphome: name: $devicename platform: ESP8266 board: esp8285# This allows the device to restore the last saved relay state, either "ON" or "OFF" for the switch later in this config esp8266_restore_from_flash: true
preferences: flash_write_interval: 1min # set to 5min to prevent wearing out the onboard flash module too quickly # Enable logginglogger: baud_rate: 0 # Enable Home Assistant APIapi: encryption: key: "REDACTED"
ota: password: "REDACTED"
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password ap:
# see: - platform: homeassistant id: homeassistant_time
# Enable Web serverweb_server: port: 80
text_sensor: - platform: version name: "${devicename} - Version" icon: mdi:cube-outline
binary_sensor: - platform: status name: "${devicename} - Status" device_class: connectivity
# toggle relay on/off - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO13 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: True id: "${devicename}_button_state" on_press: - switch.toggle: button_switch
sensor: - platform: wifi_signal name: "${devicename} - Wifi Signal" update_interval: 60s icon: mdi:wifi
- platform: uptime name: "${devicename} - Uptime" update_interval: 60s icon: mdi:clock-outline
- platform: total_daily_energy name: "${devicename} - Todays Usage" power_id: "power_wattage" filters: # Multiplication factor from W to kW is 0.001 - multiply: 0.001 unit_of_measurement: kWh icon: mdi:calendar-clock
- platform: adc pin: VCC name: "${devicename} - VCC Volt" icon: mdi:flash-outline
- platform: hlw8012 sel_pin: number: GPIO12 inverted: True cf_pin: GPIO05 cf1_pin: GPIO04 change_mode_every: 4 current_resistor: ${current_res} voltage_divider: ${voltage_div} update_interval: 3s
current: name: "${devicename} - Ampere" unit_of_measurement: A accuracy_decimals: 3 icon: mdi:current-ac
voltage: name: "${devicename} - Volt" unit_of_measurement: V accuracy_decimals: 1 icon: mdi:flash-outline
power: name: "${devicename} - Watt" unit_of_measurement: W id: "power_wattage" icon: mdi:gauge
status_led: pin: number: GPIO02 inverted: True id: led_blue
output: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO00 inverted: true id: led_red
switch: - platform: template name: "${devicename} - Switch" icon: mdi:power optimistic: true# This is where the "restore_from_flash" comes in. I set it to try to restore from flash and, if that fails, set it to ON restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON lambda: 'return id(relay).state;' id: button_switch turn_on_action: - switch.turn_on: relay - output.turn_on: led_red turn_off_action: - switch.turn_off: relay - output.turn_off: led_red - platform: gpio pin: GPIO15 id: relay