Generic Glass Touch Switch with 1, 2, 3 pole variants
Generic Glass Touch Switch with 1, 2, 3 pole variants
Device Type: switchElectrical Standard: usBoard: esp8266
General Notes
This config was created based on the 3 pole switch that I had. I'm not sure what the pins for the 4 pole variant would be, but it would not be hard to figure it out if you have the unit.
There is another variant to these switches with LEDs on the buttons. These are called out below.
I labeled the switch as Top/Middle/Bottom as the L1-L4 ports on the rear are actually inverted when installed (L4 on top, L1 on bottom).
Product Images
Front of 3 pole switch
Rear of 3 pole switch
Wiring of switch
GPIO Pinout (Per top to bottom when installed)
Pin | Function |
GPIO3 | Button, Top |
GPIO4 | Relay, Top (Labeled L4) |
GPIO5 | Button, Middle |
GPIO12 | Button, Bottom |
GPIO13 | Relay, Bottom (Labeled L2) |
GPIO15 | Relay, Middle (Labeled L3) |
GPIO16 | Status LED |
GPIO0 | Status LED (alternative, some switches) |
GPIO14 | LED, Top (some switches) |
GPIO1 | LED, Middle (some switches) |
GPIO14 | LED, Bottom (some switches) |
Basic Configuration
substitutions: platform: ESP8266 board: esp01_1m device_name: esphome_dining_room_switch friendly_name: "Dining Room Switch" reboot_timeout_wifi: 900s reboot_timeout_api: 1800s output_power: 17dB
esphome: platform: ${platform} board: ${board} name: ${device_name} esp8266_restore_from_flash: true
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_iot_ssid password: !secret wifi_iot_pwd fast_connect: on reboot_timeout: ${reboot_timeout_wifi} output_power: ${output_power} ap: ssid: "AP_${friendly_name}" password: !secret wifi_backup_pwd
api: reboot_timeout: ${reboot_timeout_api}
web_server: port: 80
binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO14 inverted: True name: "${friendly_name} Top Button" id: button_top on_press: then: - if: condition: light.is_on: light_top then: - light.turn_off: light_top else: - light.turn_on: light_top - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO5 inverted: True name: "${friendly_name} Middle Button" id: button_middle on_press: then: - if: condition: light.is_on: light_middle then: - light.turn_off: light_middle else: - light.turn_on: light_middle - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO12 inverted: True name: "${friendly_name} Bottom Button" id: button_bottom on_press: then: - if: condition: light.is_on: light_bottom then: - light.turn_off: light_bottom else: - light.turn_on: light_bottom
output: - platform: gpio id: relay_top pin: GPIO4 - platform: gpio id: relay_middle pin: GPIO15 - platform: gpio id: relay_bottom pin: GPIO13 - platform: esp8266_pwm id: status_led pin: number: GPIO16 inverted: True
switch: - platform: restart name: "Front Door REBOOT"
light: - platform: binary output: relay_top id: light_top restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF name: "${friendly_name} Top" - platform: binary output: relay_middle id: light_middle restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF name: "${friendly_name} Middle" - platform: binary output: relay_bottom id: light_bottom restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF name: "${friendly_name} Bottom" # icon: "mdi:ceiling-light"
- platform: monochromatic name: "${friendly_name} Status LED" output: status_led
Config for alternative variant
substitutions: platform: ESP8266 board: esp01_1m device_name: esphome_dining_room_switch friendly_name: "Living Room Switch" reboot_timeout_wifi: 900s reboot_timeout_api: 1800s output_power: 17dB
esphome: platform: ${platform} board: ${board} name: ${device_name} esp8266_restore_from_flash: true
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_iot_ssid password: !secret wifi_iot_pwd fast_connect: on reboot_timeout: ${reboot_timeout_wifi} output_power: ${output_power} ap: ssid: "AP_${friendly_name}" password: !secret wifi_backup_pwd
api: reboot_timeout: ${reboot_timeout_api}
web_server: port: 80
status_led: pin: number: GPIO0 inverted: true
binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO12 name: "l1 switch" id: switch_1 internal: true filters: - invert: on_press: - light.toggle: id: lightsw_1
- platform: gpio pin: GPIO05 name: "l2 switch" id: switch_2 internal: true filters: - invert: on_press: - light.toggle: id: lightsw_2
- platform: gpio pin: GPIO3 name: "l3 switch" id: switch_3 internal: true filters: - invert: on_press: - light.toggle: id: lightsw_3
output: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO13 id: relay_1 - platform: gpio pin: GPIO15 id: relay_2 - platform: gpio pin: GPIO04 id: relay_3
- platform: gpio pin: GPIO16 id: led_1 inverted: true - platform: gpio pin: GPIO01 id: led_2 inverted: true - platform: gpio pin: GPIO14 id: led_3 inverted: true
light: - platform: binary name: "${friendly_name} Top" id: lightsw_1 output: relay_1 - platform: binary name: "${friendly_name} Middle" id: lightsw_2 output: relay_2 - platform: binary name: "${friendly_name} Bottom" id: lightsw_3 output: relay_3