Gelidus Research Presence Sensor 1 (GRPS1)
Gelidus Research Presence Sensor 1 (GRPS1)
Device Type: sensorElectrical Standard: usBoard: esp32
GRPS1 Device Info
The Gelidus Research PS1 supports either the LD2420 or LD2410C HLK 24Mhz Radar Module.
- Compact 40 x 80 mm PCB
- 4 Pin ESP programming header (3.3v only)
- Powerful ESP32S Dual Core 240Mhz 4MB Flash, BLE and WiFi module
- Dual core ESP32S enables simultaneous Wifi and BLE radios for optional BLE tracking
- 5 Pin HLK-LD2420 socket populated with an HLK-LD2420
- Also supports an LD2410C with JP1 set at 5 Volts.
- Powered directly with US AC plug receptacle blades (110-240 VAC)
- Designed to insert into a 3D printed protective Radome housing.
Example LD2420 YAML Configuration
esphome: name: presence-1 friendly_name: presence-1
esp32: board: esp32dev framework: type: arduino
# Enable logging# Use higher baud rates to avoid long running delay warns# e.g. 230400, 256000, 460800, 921600logger: baud_rate: 921600
# Enable Home Assistant APIapi: encryption: key: "<your_key>"
ota: - platform: esphome # Required for 2024.5.0 and up password: "<your_password>"
wifi: ssid: !secret iot_ssid password: !secret iot_password
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "presence-1" password: !secret captive_password ap_timeout: 30s
web_server: password: !secret iot_password
uart: id: ld2420_uart tx_pin: GPIO17 rx_pin: GPIO16 baud_rate: 115200 parity: NONE stop_bits: 1
# The LD2420 has 16 sense gates 0-15 and each gate detects 0.7 meters 15th gate = 9mld2420:
text_sensor: - platform: ld2420 fw_version: name: LD2420 Firmware
sensor: - platform: ld2420 moving_distance: name : Moving Distance
binary_sensor: - platform: ld2420 has_target: name: Presence
# Optional use of te GPIO binary output to enable/disable HA detection states - platform: gpio pin: GPIO4 name: GPIO Presence id: gpio_presence_sensor - platform: template name: presence_state lambda: |- if (id(enable_presence_sensor).state && id(gpio_presence_sensor).state) { return true; } else { return false; }
switch: - platform: restart name: Restart ESPHome Node
# Enable/disable presence_state entity output - platform: template name: "Enable Presence Sensor" id: enable_presence_sensor restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON optimistic: True
select: - platform: ld2420 operating_mode: name: Operating Mode
number: - platform: ld2420 presence_timeout: name: Detection Presence Timeout min_gate_distance: name: Detection Gate Minimum max_gate_distance: name: Detection Gate Maximum gate_select: name: Select Gate to Set still_threshold: name: Set Still Threshold Value move_threshold: name: Set Move Threshold Value gate_move_sensitivity: name: Calibration Move Sensitivity Factor gate_still_sensitivity: name: Calibration Still Sensitivity Factor
# When gate select is defined the individual gate_n: threshold optionals are ignored.# This mode offers a compressed UI.# With gate_select still and move_threshold are required.
# gate_select:# name: Select Gate to Set# still_threshold:# name: Set Still Threshold Value# move_threshold:# name: Set Move Threshold Value
gate_move_sensitivity: name: Calibration Move Sensitivity Factor gate_still_sensitivity: name: Calibration Still Sensitivity Factor gate_0: move_threshold: name: Gate 0 Move Threshold still_threshold: name: Gate 0 Still Threshold gate_1: move_threshold: name: Gate 1 Move Threshold still_threshold: name: Gate 1 Still Threshold gate_2: move_threshold: name: Gate 2 Move Threshold still_threshold: name: Gate 2 Still Threshold gate_3: move_threshold: name: Gate 3 Move Threshold still_threshold: name: Gate 3 Still Threshold gate_4: move_threshold: name: Gate 4 Move Threshold still_threshold: name: Gate 4 Still Threshold gate_5: move_threshold: name: Gate 5 Move Threshold still_threshold: name: Gate 5 Still Threshold gate_6: move_threshold: name: Gate 6 Move Threshold still_threshold: name: Gate 6 Still Threshold gate_7: move_threshold: name: Gate 7 Move Threshold still_threshold: name: Gate 7 Still Threshold gate_8: move_threshold: name: Gate 8 Move Threshold still_threshold: name: Gate 8 Still Threshold gate_9: move_threshold: name: Gate 9 Move Threshold still_threshold: name: Gate 9 Still Threshold gate_10: move_threshold: name: Gate 10 Move Threshold still_threshold: name: Gate 10 Still Threshold gate_11: move_threshold: name: Gate 11 Move Threshold still_threshold: name: Gate 11 Still Threshold gate_12: move_threshold: name: Gate 12 Move Threshold still_threshold: name: Gate 12 Still Threshold gate_13: move_threshold: name: Gate 13 Move Threshold still_threshold: name: Gate 13 Still Threshold gate_14: move_threshold: name: Gate 14 Move Threshold still_threshold: name: Gate 14 Still Threshold gate_15: move_threshold: name: Gate 15 Move Threshold still_threshold: name: Gate 15 Still Threshold
button: - platform: ld2420 apply_config: name: Apply Config factory_reset: name: Factory Reset restart_module: name: Restart Module revert_config: name: Undo Edits
status_led: pin: GPIO23
Example LD2410C YAML Configuration
esphome: name: presence-1 friendly_name: presence-1
esp32: board: esp32dev framework: type: arduino
# Enable logging# Use higher baud rates to avoid long running delay warns# e.g. 230400, 256000, 460800, 921600logger: baud_rate: 921600
# Enable Home Assistant APIapi: encryption: key: "<your_key>"
ota: - platform: esphome # Required for 2024.5.0 and up password: "<your_password>"
wifi: ssid: !secret iot_ssid password: !secret iot_password
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "presence-1" password: !secret captive_password ap_timeout: 30s
web_server: password: !secret iot_password
uart: id: ld2410_uart tx_pin: GPIO17 rx_pin: GPIO4 baud_rate: 256000 parity: NONE stop_bits: 1
sensor: - platform: ld2410 light: name: light moving_distance: name : Moving Distance still_distance: name: Still Distance moving_energy: name: Move Energy still_energy: name: Still Energy detection_distance: name: Detection Distance g0: move_energy: name: g0 move energy still_energy: name: g0 still energy g1: move_energy: name: g1 move energy still_energy: name: g1 still energy g2: move_energy: name: g2 move energy still_energy: name: g2 still energy g3: move_energy: name: g3 move energy still_energy: name: g3 still energy g4: move_energy: name: g4 move energy still_energy: name: g4 still energy g5: move_energy: name: g5 move energy still_energy: name: g5 still energy g6: move_energy: name: g6 move energy still_energy: name: g6 still energy g7: move_energy: name: g7 move energy still_energy: name: g7 still energy g8: move_energy: name: g8 move energy still_energy: name: g8 still energy
number: - platform: ld2410 timeout: name: timeout light_threshold: name: light threshold max_move_distance_gate: name: max move distance gate max_still_distance_gate: name: max still distance gate g0: move_threshold: name: g0 move threshold still_threshold: name: g0 still threshold g1: move_threshold: name: g1 move threshold still_threshold: name: g1 still threshold g2: move_threshold: name: g2 move threshold still_threshold: name: g2 still threshold g3: move_threshold: name: g3 move threshold still_threshold: name: g3 still threshold g4: move_threshold: name: g4 move threshold still_threshold: name: g4 still threshold g5: move_threshold: name: g5 move threshold still_threshold: name: g5 still threshold g6: move_threshold: name: g6 move threshold still_threshold: name: g6 still threshold g7: move_threshold: name: g7 move threshold still_threshold: name: g7 still threshold g8: move_threshold: name: g8 move threshold still_threshold: name: g8 still threshold
binary_sensor: - platform: ld2410 has_target: name: Presence has_moving_target: name: Moving Target has_still_target: name: Still Target - platform: gpio pin: GPIO16 name: gpio out pin presence device_class: presence
text_sensor: - platform: ld2410 version: name: firmware version
switch: - platform: ld2410 engineering_mode: name: engineering mode - platform: restart name: Restart
button: - platform: ld2410 factory_reset: name: factory reset restart: name: restart query_params: name: query params
select: - platform: ld2410 light_function: name: light function
status_led: pin: GPIO23
GRPS1 Features Example