Etekcity Voltson ESW01-EU
Etekcity Voltson ESW01-EU
Device Type: switchElectrical Standard: euBoard: esp8266
To reach the ESP pins, you need to open the device by unscrewing two (really) small Torx on the front and get the board out with four Philipps screws.
Then, all necessary pads for flashing are accessible. Attach 5V and GND at the bottom, preferably with test hooks.
GPIO Pinout
Pin | Function |
GPIO4 | Relay |
GPIO5 | LED blue |
GPIO12 | HLWBL CF1 Pin |
GPIO13 | HLW8012 CF Pin |
GPIO14 | Button |
GPIO16 | LED yellow |
The HLW8012 SEL pin is permanently pulled high, so you can only read power and voltage. With a small calculation trick you can get current values though (see current_calculated
Basic Configuration
esphome: platform: ESP8266 arduino_version: 2.5.1 board: esp01_1m
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password
status_led: pin: number: GPIO5
output:- platform: gpio id: led1 pin: GPIO16
switch:- platform: gpio name: "Relay" id: switch1 pin: GPIO4 restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON on_turn_on: - output.turn_on: led1 on_turn_off: - output.turn_off: led1
binary_sensor: - platform: gpio id: button1 pin: number: GPIO14 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: true on_press: - switch.toggle: switch1
sensor: - platform: hlw8012 sel_pin: 0 # not connected cf_pin: GPIO13 cf1_pin: GPIO12 voltage: id: voltage name: Voltage power: id: wattage name: Wattage on_value: - sensor.template.publish: id: hlw8012_current_calculated state: !lambda 'return id(hlw8012_power).state / id(hlw8012_voltage).state;' update_interval: 10s initial_mode: VOLTAGE change_mode_every: 4294967295 # basically never - platform: template #disabled id: current_calculated name: "Current (calculated)"