Arlec Grid Connect Smart E27 LED 830lm RGB CCT Colour Mode 10W Globe (GLD322HA)
Arlec Grid Connect Smart E27 LED 830lm RGB CCT Colour Mode 10W Globe (GLD322HA)
Device Type: lightElectrical Standard: auBoard: esp8266Difficulty: Chip needs replacement, 5/5
Sold at Bunnings in Australia as Model number GLD322HA.
This device uses WB2L module which needs to be replaced with ESP-M3, DMP-L1, ESP8685-WROOM-05, DT-ESP-C05 or ESP8684-WROOM-05. Read more about module replacement in a detailed guide.
If replaced with ESP-M3, then the following is the pinout:
GPIO Pinout ESP-M3
Pin | Function |
GPIO01 | SM2135 Data |
GPIO03 | SM2135 Clock |
Basic Configuration
substitutions: device_name: "alrec-gld322ha" friendly_name: "Arlec GLD322HA"
esphome: name: ${device_name}
esp8266: board: esp01_1m
# Enable logginglogger:
# Enable Home Assistant APIapi: password: !secret ota_password
ota: password: !secret ota_password
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password ap:
web_server: port: 80
sm2135: data_pin: GPIO01 clock_pin: GPIO03 rgb_current: 25mA cw_current: 25mA
# Individual outputsoutput: - platform: sm2135 id: output_blue channel: 0 max_power: 1 - platform: sm2135 id: output_green channel: 1 max_power: 1 - platform: sm2135 id: output_red channel: 2 max_power: 1 - platform: sm2135 id: output_white channel: 3 max_power: 1 - platform: sm2135 id: output_warmwhite channel: 4 max_power: 1
light: - platform: rgbww name: ${friendly_name} red: output_red green: output_green blue: output_blue cold_white: output_white warm_white: output_warmwhite cold_white_color_temperature: 6500 K warm_white_color_temperature: 3000 K color_interlock: true