Aoycocr X13 Outdoor Plug (2AKBP-X13)
Aoycocr X13 Outdoor Plug (2AKBP-X13)
Device Type: plugElectrical Standard: usBoard: esp8266Difficulty: Soldering required, 4/5
All information provided is from Iprak documentation.
The device has 2 indicator LEDs under the button and 2 indiviually controllable outlets. FCC filing Tasmato wiki mentioned that it might not be able to use Tuya-Convert.
Product Image
GPIO Pinout
The GPIO pinout was learned from Iprak documentation. The ESP module is ESP8266-S3 and the FCC filing provided the pins
- EN
- GPIO12
- GPIO14
- GPIO13
- GPIO15
- GPIO 5
- RX
- TX
The pins are on alternate sides:
1 3 5 7 9 11 132 4 6 8 10 12 14
The GPIOs being used are:
- LED#1:GPIO0, inverted
- LED#2:GPIO2, inverted
- Button:GPIO13
- Relay1:GPIO15
- Relay2:GPIO12
Basic Configuration
The below YAML template is from Iprak documentation.
substitutions: devicename: aoycocr_x13 proper_devicename: Aoycocr X13
esphome: name: $devicename
esp8266: board: esp01_1m
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password ap:
binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO13 id: button on_press: - switch.toggle: relay1 - switch.toggle: relay2
- platform: status name: $devicename
switch: - platform: gpio name: "$devicename 1" pin: GPIO15 id: relay1 icon: "mdi:floor-lamp" #Led2 represents switch 1 on_turn_on: - output.turn_on: led2 on_turn_off: - output.turn_off: led2
- platform: gpio name: "$devicename 2" pin: GPIO12 id: relay2 icon: "mdi:floor-lamp"
output: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO0 id: led2 inverted: yes
status_led: pin: number: GPIO2 inverted: yes