Tuya DY-CK400A Garage Door Opener
Tuya DY-CK400A Garage Door Opener
Device Type: miscElectrical Standard: globalBoard: esp8266Difficulty: Disassembly required, 3/5
Product Images
Tuya Convert was not able to work for this device (with firmware v3.1.4). If your device has an older firmware, it may be worth a try.
This device is powered by a TYWE1S board (ESP8266EX with 2MB flash), you can boot it in flash mode by grounding IO0. Then you can use U0TX and U0RX. You can either power the device using the built-in USB, or power it through the 3.3V pin.
GPIO Pinout
Pin | Function |
GPIO13 | Tuya MCU RX |
GPIO15 | Tuya MCU TX |
Basic Configuration
esphome: name: tuya-DY-CK400A-garage-door-opener
esp8266: board: esp_wroom_02
uart: rx_pin: GPIO13 tx_pin: GPIO15 baud_rate: 9600
binary_sensor: - platform: tuya id: contact sensor_datapoint: 101
switch: - platform: tuya id: mcu_cover switch_datapoint: 1
cover: - platform: template device_class: garage name: Garage Door lambda: 'return id(contact).state ? COVER_OPEN : COVER_CLOSED;' open_action: switch.turn_on: mcu_cover close_action: switch.turn_off: mcu_cover
Note that this device is affected by
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