Steren RGBWW Desk Lamp

Steren RGBWW Desk Lamp

Device Type: light
Electrical Standard: global
Board: bk72xx
Difficulty: Plug-n-flash, 2/5

Smart desk lamp with a sleek design, it has RGB and warm/cold white LEDs. it uses pwm to control each channel. You can flash it, you can use tuya cloud-cutter, or you can swap out the chip.

I attempted to flash the chip multiple times, but my FTDI adapter couldn’t provide enough current for a successful process. In the end, I followed Digiblur’s Tuya Cloudcutter guide, which is referenced in the ESPHome documentation for BK72xx, and that did the trick.

Device Details


Promotional image from website Promotional image from website.

Open Lamp Unscrew the diffuser. The board is connected to the power source via a connector.

Pinout and Configuration

Circuit Board Internal circuit board showcasing the chipset.

GPIO Mapping

P8RedRGB LED Red Control
P26BlueRGB LED Blue Control
P24GreenRGB LED Green Control
P6Warm WhiteWhite LED Control
P7Cold WhiteWhite LED Control


The lamp is enclosed in metal, which may affect Wi-Fi signal strength. Ensure it is close to the router or use a repeater if needed.

YAML Configuration

board: wb3l
- platform: libretiny_pwm
id: red
pin: P8
- platform: libretiny_pwm
id: blue
pin: P26
- platform: libretiny_pwm
id: green
pin: P24
- platform: libretiny_pwm
id: warm_white
pin: P6
- platform: libretiny_pwm
id: cold_white
pin: P7
- platform: rgbww
name: "Light"
id: rgb_light
restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
red: red
green: green
blue: blue
warm_white: warm_white
cold_white: cold_white
cold_white_color_temperature: 6500 K
warm_white_color_temperature: 2000 K
color_interlock: True
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