Sonoff BLE - SwitchMan R5, S-Mate, S-Mate2
Sonoff BLE - SwitchMan R5, S-Mate, S-Mate2
Device Type: switchElectrical Standard: globalBoard: esp32Difficulty: Plug-n-flash, 2/5
- Following code will catch BLE advertisements from Sonoff SwitchMan R5, S-Mate & S-Mate2.
- code will generate HA events with data: device id, button pressed and kind of action
- Sonoff SwitchMan R5 will detect following actions: “short”, “double” & “long” press.
- Sonoff S-Mate:
- In DIP Switch position “Rocker” switch - generates event “short” on both transitions open-close & close-open.
- In position “Pulse” - only generates “short” on transition open-close contact, nothing more.
- Sonoff S-Mate2:
- When DIP switch in position “Momentary switch” - detects “short/double/long” events.
- In position “Rocker” switch - generates same event “short” on both transitions open-close & close-open.
- any ESP32 with BLE radio required to run BLE tracker
- BLE tracker not compatible with power_save_mode NONE
- events can see: Developer Tools → Events → Event to subscribe to: esphome.sonoff_ble → Start Listening
Basic Configuration
esp32: board: <REPLACEME> wifi: power_save_mode: LIGHT
globals: - id: btdata_uuid4 type: std::vector<uint32_t> restore_value: no #button press UUID by order. The order may vary according to device version initial_value: '{0x8A6BECDA, 0xD535B385, 0x1FFC794F, 0xE60781B6, 0x2FCF487F, 0xD734B087, 0x02E36652, 0xEB0B8FBB, 0x32D15662, 0xFA1B99AA, 0x9575F6C5, 0x9F7CFCCF, 0x29C84B79, 0xBF5FDDEF, 0xA043C2F0, 0xBF5EDAEF, 0xA141C4F1, 0x9D7EF8CD}' - id: button_actions type: std::vector<std::string> restore_value: no initial_value: '{"short", "double", "long"}'
binary_sensor: # to stop BLE scanner while WiFi/API not connected - platform: template id: ble_scan_torun internal: true entity_category: diagnostic device_class: connectivity lambda: !lambda |- return global_api_server->is_connected(); on_press: - esp32_ble_tracker.start_scan: continuous: true on_release: - esp32_ble_tracker.stop_scan:
esp32_ble_tracker: scan_parameters: interval: 150ms window: 150ms active: true continuous : true
on_ble_advertise: - mac_address: "66:55:44:33:22:11" # Sonoff then: - lambda: |- static std::vector< esphome::esp32_ble::ESPBTUUID > btdata_store; auto btdata = x.get_service_uuids(); ESP_LOGD("Sonoff", "data received");
if (btdata.size() >= 6 && btdata[1].contains(0x78, 0xF6)) { if (btdata_store == btdata) { ESP_LOGD("Sonoff", "---- duplicate"); } else { btdata_store = btdata; uint32_t btdevice = (btdata[2].get_uuid().uuid.uuid32 & 0xff000000) | (btdata[3].get_uuid().uuid.uuid32 & 0x00ffffff); uint32_t uuid4u32 = (btdata[4].get_uuid().uuid.uuid32); ESP_LOGD("Sonoff", "0x%x : 0x%x", btdevice, uuid4u32);
for (size_t i = 0; i < id(btdata_uuid4).size(); i++) { uint32_t stored_value = id(btdata_uuid4)[i]; if ((((uuid4u32 >> 24) ^ (stored_value >> 24)) == ((uuid4u32 >> 16 & 0xff) ^ (stored_value >> 16 & 0xff))) && (((uuid4u32 >> 8 & 0xff) ^ (stored_value >> 8 & 0xff)) == ((uuid4u32 & 0xff) ^ (stored_value & 0xff)))) {
int button_number = i / 3 + 1; // each button is grouped in multiples of int button_action = i % 3;
esphome::api::CustomAPIDevice capi; capi.fire_homeassistant_event("esphome.sonoff_ble", {{"device", format_hex(btdevice)}, {"button", to_string(button_number)}, {"action", id(button_actions)[button_action].c_str()}, {"service", format_hex(uuid4u32)}} ); ESP_LOGI("Sonoff", "0x%x : %i : %s", btdevice, button_number,id(button_actions)[button_action].c_str()); return; } } } }
Related materials
- ESPHome Bluetooth/BLE
- ESP32 Bluetooth Low Energy Tracker Hub
- Tasmota discussion on Sonoff BLE data
- Home Assistant support request
Home Assistant automation example
automation: - id: sonoff_ble_events alias: "Sonoff BLE events" description: '' mode: restart trigger: - platform: event event_type: esphome.sonoff_ble condition: [] variables: data: "{{ }}" action: - choose: - conditions: "{{ data.device == '5a2bcfd9' }}" sequence: - choose: - conditions: "{{ data.button == '1' and data.action == 'short' }}" sequence: - action: switch.toggle target: entity_id: -