Device Type: relayElectrical Standard: euBoard: esp32Difficulty: Comes with ESPhome, 1/5
SMARTBOB devices are a series of smart-home controllers designed for open home automation. They are based on ESP32 controllers and offer various useful options.
The product is dedicated to controlling AC and DC circuits (without power regulation, on/off), such as lights, power supplies, blinds, valves, sockets, and relays, as well as control signals for gate control and alarms
Available pre-flashed with ESPHome or SUPLA.
Product page:
SM-LITE-1616R V1.5 version basic description
- 24V DC power supply (max 0.5A)
- 16 input, VCC or GND logic level (by MCP23017 expander)
- 16 output by 10A relays, potential-free with the possibility of roller shutter interlock (by MCP23017 expander)
- 2x ADC for up to 24V voltage measurement (or input)
- 1x ADC for power supply voltage measurement
- Additional communication by: 2x I2C, 1WIRE, RS485
- CT clamp input for SCT clamps
- LAN or WIFI communication
- 0.96C OLED display
- Integrated USB programmer
- Integrated hardware over-temp protection by 2xTMP102 (all relay off, hardware 80C or lower defined in YAML)
- Integrated input control test buttons
GPIO Pinout for V1.5 version
Can be used for ethernet 10/100Mb communication.
Pin | Function |
TYPE | LAN7820 |
GPIO23 | MDC |
GPIO25 | RX DO |
GPIO26 | RX D1 |
GPIO27 | CRS |
GPIO19 | TX D0 |
GPIO22 | TX D1 |
GPIO21 | TX EN |
PHY | 1 |
Contains two I2C data lines :
- I2C 1 internal for MCP23017 expanders and OLED (reference speed 400kHz)
- I2C 2 for external sensors or as input (3.3V logic level). Can be used to read external I2C
- sensor like SHT31 or as input (3.3V logic level). Integrated 2.3k Ohm pull up on all lines.
Pin | Function |
GPIO15 | SDA 1 internal |
GPIO5 | SCL 1 internal |
GPIO16 | SDA 2 external |
GPIO14 | SDA 2 external |
Board contain this devices on internal I2C 1 line:
Address | Device |
0x20 | MCP23017 IN |
0x21 | MCP23017 OUT |
0x3C | OLED |
0x48 | TMP102 1 |
0x49 | TMP102 2 |
Can be used to read external modbus devices like power meter like Eastron SDM120/240/630.
Pin | Function |
GPIO13 | RX |
GPIO33 | TX |
Can be used to read external sensor by 1WIRE like. DS18B20 or as input (3.3V logic level). Integrated 2.3k Ohm pull up.
Pin | Function |
GPIO32 | 1WIRE |
ADC or additional input
ADC1, ADC2 can be used to read ADC voltage up to 24V or use as input (24V logic level). One ADC3 is connected to power connector to measure voltage connected to board.
Pin | Function |
GPIO35 | External ADC1 or INPUT |
GPIO34 | External ADC2 or INPUT |
GPIO36 | Internal ADC3 |
Integrated divider with calibration values for ADC1-2:
Adc | Voltage |
0.62 | 5 |
1.22 | 10 |
1.83 | 15 |
2.425 | 20 |
2.975 | 25 |
Integrated divider with calibration values for ADC3:
Adc | Voltage |
0.55 | 10 |
0.825 | 15 |
1.10 | 20 |
1.37 | 25 |
CT current clamp sensor input
Can be used to read from SCT-013 witch xA/1V output.
Pin | Function |
Example YAML:
substitutions: name: sm-lite-1616r-v15 friendly_name: sm-lite-1616r-v15
# NAMEesphome: name: ${name} comment: ${friendly_name} on_boot: then: - page1 - delay: 7s - page2
# HAapi: encryption: key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" reboot_timeout: 0s
# OTAota: - platform: esphome #password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
# PROCESOResp32: board: esp32dev framework: type: arduino
# LOGOWANIElogger: level: DEBUG
# 1WIREone_wire: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO32
# UART-RS485uart: - id: mod_uart rx_pin: 13 tx_pin: 33 baud_rate: 9600 stop_bits: 1 data_bits: 8 parity: NONE debug: direction: BOTH
# SENSOR CONFIGURATIONsensor: # SCT SENSOR - platform: ct_clamp sensor: adc_ct name: "SCT Current" update_interval: 1s filters: - calibrate_linear: - 0 -> 0 - 0.1 -> 2.5
# SCT ADC - platform: adc pin: GPIO39 id: adc_ct attenuation: 11db
# EXT ADC INPUT 2 - platform: adc pin: GPIO34 id: adc_sensor_2 attenuation: 11db name: "Voltage ADC 2" device_class: "voltage" filters: - calibrate_linear: - 0.62 -> 5 - 1.22 -> 10 - 1.83 -> 15 - 2.425 -> 20 - 2.975 -> 25 update_interval: 1s
# EXT ADC INPUT 1 - platform: adc pin: GPIO35 id: adc_sensor_1 attenuation: 11db name: "Voltage ADC 1" device_class: "voltage" filters: - calibrate_linear: - 0.62 -> 5 - 1.22 -> 10 - 1.83 -> 15 - 2.425 -> 20 - 2.975 -> 25 update_interval: 1s # ADC INPUT VOLTAGE CHANNEL - platform: adc pin: GPIO36 id: adc_sensor_4 attenuation: 11db name: "Power voltage" device_class: "voltage" filters: - calibrate_linear: - 0.55 -> 10 - 0.825 -> 15 - 1.10 -> 20 - 1.37 -> 25 update_interval: 1s
# TMP102 - platform: tmp102 i2c_id: bus_a name: "Temperatura PCB 1" address: 0x48 id: temp_1 update_interval: 8s on_value: if: condition: sensor.in_range: id: temp_1 above: 70.0 then: - page3 - switch.turn_off: relay_01 - switch.turn_off: relay_02 - switch.turn_off: relay_03 - switch.turn_off: relay_04 - switch.turn_off: relay_05 - switch.turn_off: relay_06 - switch.turn_off: relay_07 - switch.turn_off: relay_08 - switch.turn_off: relay_09 - switch.turn_off: relay_10 - switch.turn_off: relay_11 - switch.turn_off: relay_12 - switch.turn_off: relay_13 - switch.turn_off: relay_14 - switch.turn_off: relay_15 - switch.turn_off: relay_16 # TMP102 - platform: tmp102 i2c_id: bus_a name: "Temperatura PCB 2" address: 0x49 id: temp_2 update_interval: 8s on_value: if: condition: sensor.in_range: id: temp_2 above: 70.0 then: - page3 - switch.turn_off: relay_01 - switch.turn_off: relay_02 - switch.turn_off: relay_03 - switch.turn_off: relay_04 - switch.turn_off: relay_05 - switch.turn_off: relay_06 - switch.turn_off: relay_07 - switch.turn_off: relay_08 - switch.turn_off: relay_09 - switch.turn_off: relay_10 - switch.turn_off: relay_11 - switch.turn_off: relay_12 - switch.turn_off: relay_13 - switch.turn_off: relay_14 - switch.turn_off: relay_15 - switch.turn_off: relay_16 # TIME - platform: uptime name: Uptime Sensor id: uptime_sensor_M03 internal: true update_interval: 60s on_raw_value: then: - text_sensor.template.publish: id: uptime_human_M03 state: !lambda |- int seconds = round(id(uptime_sensor_M03).raw_state); int days = seconds / (24 * 3600); seconds = seconds % (24 * 3600); int hours = seconds / 3600; seconds = seconds % 3600; int minutes = seconds / 60; seconds = seconds % 60; return ( (days ? to_string(days) + "d " : "") + (hours ? to_string(hours) + "h " : "") + (minutes ? to_string(minutes) + "m " : "") + (to_string(seconds) + "s") ).c_str(); # UPTIME - platform: uptime name: "Uptime Sensor M03" id: upt_M03 internal: true
# KONFIGRUACJA ZEGARA CZASU RZECZYWISTEGOtime: - platform: homeassistant id: homeassistant_time - platform: sntp id: sntp_time timezone: Europe/Sofia servers: - - -
# LAN OR WIFI#wifi: #ssid: "MY_WIFI_XX" #password: "MY_WIFI_XX" #id: eth
ethernet: type: LAN8720 mdc_pin: GPIO23 mdio_pin: GPIO18 clk_mode: GPIO17_OUT phy_addr: 1 id: eth #manual_ip: # static_ip: # gateway: # subnet: # dns1 : # dns2 :
# I2Ci2c: - id: bus_a sda: 15 scl: 5 scan: true frequency: 400kHz - id: bus_b sda: 16 scl: 14 scan: true frequency: 400kHz
# MCP23017mcp23017: - id: 'mcp23017_hub_2' address: 0x20 i2c_id: bus_a - id: 'mcp23017_hub_1' address: 0x21 i2c_id: bus_a
# OUTPUTSswitch: - platform: gpio name: "REALY-01" id: relay_01 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_1 number: 8 mode: OUTPUT inverted: false - platform: gpio name: "REALY-02" id: relay_02 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_1 number: 9 mode: OUTPUT inverted: false - platform: gpio name: "REALY-03" id: relay_03 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_1 number: 10 mode: OUTPUT inverted: false - platform: gpio name: "REALY-04" id: relay_04 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_1 number: 11 mode: OUTPUT inverted: false - platform: gpio name: "REALY-05" id: relay_05 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_1 number: 12 mode: OUTPUT inverted: false - platform: gpio name: "REALY-06" id: relay_06 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_1 number: 13 mode: OUTPUT inverted: false - platform: gpio name: "REALY-07" id: relay_07 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_1 number: 14 mode: OUTPUT inverted: false - platform: gpio name: "REALY-08" id: relay_08 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_1 number: 15 mode: OUTPUT inverted: false - platform: gpio name: "REALY-09" id: relay_09 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_1 number: 2 mode: OUTPUT inverted: false - platform: gpio name: "REALY-10" id: relay_10 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_1 number: 3 mode: OUTPUT inverted: false - platform: gpio name: "REALY-11" id: relay_11 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_1 number: 4 mode: OUTPUT inverted: false - platform: gpio name: "REALY-12" id: relay_12 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_1 number: 5 mode: OUTPUT inverted: false - platform: gpio name: "REALY-13" id: relay_13 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_1 number: 6 mode: OUTPUT inverted: false - platform: gpio name: "REALY-14" id: relay_14 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_1 number: 7 mode: OUTPUT inverted: false - platform: gpio name: "REALY-15" id: relay_15 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_1 number: 1 mode: OUTPUT inverted: false - platform: gpio name: "REALY-16" id: relay_16 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_1 number: 0 mode: OUTPUT inverted: false
# INPUTSbinary_sensor: - platform: gpio name: "INPUT-01" id: input_01 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_2 number: 4 mode: input: true pullup: false inverted: true filters: - delayed_on: 30ms on_press: then: - switch.toggle: relay_01 - platform: gpio name: "INPUT-02" id: input_02 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_2 number: 5 mode: input: true pullup: false inverted: true filters: - delayed_on: 30ms on_press: then: - switch.toggle: relay_02 - platform: gpio name: "INPUT-03" id: input_03 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_2 number: 6 mode: input: true pullup: false inverted: true filters: - delayed_on: 30ms on_press: then: - switch.toggle: relay_03 - platform: gpio name: "INPUT-04" id: input_04 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_2 number: 7 mode: input: true pullup: false inverted: true filters: - delayed_on: 30ms on_press: then: - switch.toggle: relay_04 - platform: gpio name: "INPUT-05" id: input_05 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_2 number: 3 mode: input: true pullup: false inverted: true filters: - delayed_on: 30ms on_press: then: - switch.toggle: relay_05 - platform: gpio name: "INPUT-06" id: input_06 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_2 number: 2 mode: input: true pullup: false inverted: true filters: - delayed_on: 30ms on_press: then: - switch.toggle: relay_06 - platform: gpio name: "INPUT-07" id: input_07 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_2 number: 1 mode: input: true pullup: false inverted: true filters: - delayed_on: 30ms on_press: then: - switch.toggle: relay_07 - platform: gpio name: "INPUT-08" id: input_08 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_2 number: 0 mode: input: true pullup: false inverted: true filters: - delayed_on: 30ms on_press: then: - switch.toggle: relay_08 - platform: gpio name: "INPUT-09" id: input_09 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_2 number: 15 mode: input: true pullup: false inverted: true filters: - delayed_on: 30ms on_press: then: - switch.toggle: relay_09 - platform: gpio name: "INPUT-10" id: input_10 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_2 number: 14 mode: input: true pullup: false inverted: true filters: - delayed_on: 30ms on_press: then: - switch.toggle: relay_10 - platform: gpio name: "INPUT-11" id: input_11 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_2 number: 13 mode: input: true pullup: false inverted: true filters: - delayed_on: 30ms on_press: then: - switch.toggle: relay_11 - platform: gpio name: "INPUT-12" id: input_12 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_2 number: 12 mode: input: true pullup: false inverted: true filters: - delayed_on: 30ms on_press: then: - switch.toggle: relay_12 - platform: gpio name: "INPUT-13" id: input_13 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_2 number: 11 mode: input: true pullup: false inverted: true filters: - delayed_on: 30ms on_press: then: - switch.toggle: relay_13 - platform: gpio name: "INPUT-14" id: input_14 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_2 number: 10 mode: input: true pullup: false inverted: true filters: - delayed_on: 30ms on_press: then: - switch.toggle: relay_14 - platform: gpio name: "INPUT-15" id: input_15 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_2 number: 9 mode: input: true pullup: false inverted: true filters: - delayed_on: 30ms on_press: then: - switch.toggle: relay_15 - platform: gpio name: "INPUT-16" id: input_16 pin: mcp23xxx: mcp23017_hub_2 number: 8 mode: input: true pullup: false inverted: true filters: - delayed_on: 30ms on_press: then: - switch.toggle: relay_16
# WEB SERWERweb_server: port: 80
# TEXTtext_sensor: - platform: template name: "ESP32-M03 Uptime" id: uptime_human_M03 icon: mdi:clock-start - platform: template name: "IP" id: ip_address entity_category: diagnostic icon: "mdi:ip-network" #lambda: return { id(eth).get_ip_address().str() }; lambda: return { id(eth).get_ip_addresses()[0].str() }; update_interval: 10s
# FONTfont:- file: "gfonts://Roboto" id: font1 size: 12
# DISPLAYdisplay: - platform: ssd1306_i2c i2c_id: bus_a model: "SSD1306_128X64" id: oled_display pages: - id: page1 lambda: |- it.printf(32, 5, id(font1), "SMARTBOB"); it.printf(27, 22, id(font1), "AUTOMATYKA"); it.printf(5, 39, id(font1), "WWW.SMARTBOB.PL"); - id: page2 lambda: |- int seconds = round(id(upt_M03).state); int days = seconds / (24 * 3600); seconds = seconds % (24 * 3600); int hours = seconds / 3600; it.printf(1, 1, id(font1), "%s", id(ip_address).state.c_str()); it.printf(1, 17, id(font1),"%d dni, %02d godzin",days,hours); it.printf(1, 33, id(font1), "SM-LITE-1616R"); it.printf(1, 49, id(font1), "%.1f°, %.1f°", id(temp_1).state, id(temp_2).state); - id: page3 lambda: |- it.printf(33, 5, id(font1), "OVERHEAT"); it.printf(33, 52, id(font1), "%.1f°, %.1f°", id(temp_1).state, id(temp_2).state);
export const _frontmatter = {"title":"SMARTBOB SM-LITE-1616R","date-published":"2025-03-07T00:00:00.000Z","type":"relay","standard":"eu","board":"esp32","project-url":"","difficulty":1,"made-for-esphome":false}