Sinilink XY-WFUSB USB Switch Relay
Sinilink XY-WFUSB USB Switch Relay
Device Type: relayElectrical Standard: globalBoard: esp8266
This device can be found on Aliexpress for about 5 USD.
The case can be pried open without too much difficulty. Be careful to keep both halves as parallel as possible to not break the pins that hold them together.
Flashing must be done by connecting an FTDI adapter to the 1.27 mm pads close to the USB female port. Here is the pinout:
The pads are small, so this is a bit tricky. I did it with some sewing pins stuck into dupont wires. It could be done as well connecting alternating pins from either side of the board.
GPIO0 has to be connected to GND to enter programming mode.
GPIO Pinout
Pin | Function | Note |
GPIO00 | User (Pad GPIO-0) | Pulled-up to HIGH, boot fails if pulled LOW |
GPIO01 | User (Pad TX) | HIGH at boot, spits debug output at boot, boot fails if pulled LOW |
GPIO03 | User (Pad RX) | HIGH at boot |
GPIO04 | Toggle Button | Pin input LOW when button is pressed |
GPIO05 | Relay and Red LED | USB socket power with LED is ON when pin output HIGH |
GPIO14 | Green LED | LED is ON when pin output HIGH |
GPIO16 | Blue LED | LED is ON when pin output HIGH |
Basic Config
The following configuration mimics this Tasmota template string.
The green LED is turned on when the relay is off and vice versa. The blue LED is used as the status LED. The button toggles the state of the relay.
I had to increase the ap_timeout
, this board seems to take some time to connect to the WiFi.
substitutions: name: usb-relay friendly_name: "USB Relay" default_state: "RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF"
esphome: name: ${name} friendly_name: "${friendly_name}"
esp8266: board: esp01_1m restore_from_flash: True
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password fast_connect: True power_save_mode: HIGH ap: ssid: "${friendly_name}" ap_timeout: 3min
time: - platform: homeassistant
# Blue LEDstatus_led: pin: number: GPIO16
# Relayswitch: - platform: gpio id: switch_relay pin: GPIO5
# Green LED - platform: gpio pin: GPIO14 id: green_led inverted: true # start on
# Switch template to link relay and green LED states # LED is on when relay is off - platform: template id: relay name: "${friendly_name}" lambda: |- if (id(switch_relay).state) { return true; } else { return false; } turn_on_action: - switch.turn_on: id: green_led - switch.turn_on: id: switch_relay turn_off_action: - switch.turn_off: id: green_led - switch.turn_off: id: switch_relay
# Buttonbinary_sensor: - platform: gpio id: hardware_button pin: number: GPIO04 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: True on_press: - switch.toggle: relay
# WiFi Signal Sensorsensor: - platform: wifi_signal name: "WiFi Status" update_interval: 60s
# Restart buttonbutton: - platform: restart name: "Restart"
If the USB Relay controls a light, it can also be implemented like this:
output: # Relay - platform: gpio id: switch_relay pin: GPIO5
# Green LED - platform: gpio pin: GPIO14 id: green_led inverted: true # start on
# Binary Output template to link relay and green LED states # LED is on when relay is off - platform: template type: binary id: relay write_action: if: condition: lambda: return state; then: - output.turn_on: switch_relay - output.turn_on: green_led else: - output.turn_off: switch_relay - output.turn_off: green_led
# Buttonbinary_sensor: - platform: gpio id: hardware_button pin: number: GPIO04 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: True on_press: light.toggle: "${name}"
light: - platform: binary name: "${friendly_name}" id: "${name}" output: relay