Shelly 3EM
Shelly 3EM
Device Type: sensorBoard: esp8266
NOTE: In order to power up device it's enough to connect VA
and N
NOTE: In order to retrieve proper data all live (VA
) terminals needs to be connected to live wire, in other case this integration will report invalid voltage (like 0.12130 V
). Check single phase connection diagram in the official device manual for more details.
GPIO Pinout
Pin | Function |
GPIO02 | LED (lower) |
GPIO04 | button (lower LED) |
GPIO05 | ADE7880 IRQ1 |
GPIO12 | I2C SDA |
GPIO13 | ADE7880 IRQ0 |
GPIO14 | I2C SCL |
GPIO15 | Contactor Control |
GPIO16 | ADE7880 RESET |
Note: The upper LED is not connected to a GPIO (it is connected to the ADE7880) so it cannot be used as a normal ESPHome output.
Calibration Data
It is critically important to retrieve the calbration data from the 3EM device before installing ESPHome onto it; without that data, it will not be possible to get accurate sensor readings. You will need to power up the device and let it connect to your network using the preloaded Shelly firmware in order to retrieve this data. If you've already converted the device to Tasmota and want to switch to ESPHome, you'll have the calibration data and can skip steps 1-2 of the instructions below.
Ensure that you are able to access the device's web interface (http://ip.address.of.device).
Download the calibration data file from http://ip.address.of.device/calib.dat. The file will look similar to this:
{ "state": 0, "rms": { "current_a": 3149413, "current_b": 3155641, "current_c": 3177848, "current_n": -1377304018, "current_s": 1804948, "voltage_a": -746938, "voltage_b": -735960, "voltage_c": -753583 }, "angles": { "angle0": 168, "angle1": 184, "angle2": 176 }, "powers": { "totactive": { "a": -1346104, "b": -1347476, "c": -1352863 }, "apparent": { "a": 220798, "b": 220791, "c": 220791 } }, "energies": { "totactive": { "a": 8986, "b": 8985, "c": 8985 }, "apparent": { "a": 41655, "b": 41660, "c": 41676 } }}
values from therms
section will go into thecalibration -> current_gain
entries in your configuration. Use thecurrent_s
value for theneutral
phase, if you are enabling that phase's current sensor.The
values from therms
section will go into thecalibration -> voltage_gain
entries in your configuration.The
values from thepowers
section will go into thecalibration -> power_gain
entries in your configuration.The
values from theangles
section will go into thecalibration -> phase_angle
entries in your configuration.angle0
is forphase A
is forphase B
, andangle2
is forphase C
Example Configuration
esphome: name: shelly-3em
esp8266: board: esp01_1m
# Enable logginglogger:
# Enable HA APIapi: encryption: key: !secret api_key
# Enable OTAsota: password: !secret api_password
# Sync RTC with HAtime: - platform: homeassistant timezone: America/Chicago
# Wi-Fi Setupwifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password
power_save_mode: LIGHT
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case Wi-Fi connection fails ap: ssid: shelly-3em AP password: !secret ap_password
i2c: sda: GPIO12 scl: GPIO14 frequency: 200kHz
status_led: pin: number: GPIO2
switch: - id: relay name: Shelly 3EM Relay platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO15
binary_sensor: - id: button name: Shelly 3EM Button platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO4 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: true
sensor: - id: ade7880_device platform: ade7880 irq0_pin: number: GPIO13 irq1_pin: number: GPIO5 reset_pin: number: GPIO16 frequency: 60Hz phase_a: name: Phase A voltage: Voltage current: Current active_power id: phase_a_active_power name: Active Power power_factor: Power Factor forward_active_energy id: phase_a_forward_active_energy name: Forward Active Energy reverse_active_energy: Reverse Active Energy calibration: current_gain: 3116628 voltage_gain: -757178 power_gain: -1344457 phase_angle: 188 phase_b: name: Phase B voltage: Voltage current: Current active_power: name: Active Power id: phase_b_active_power power_factor: Power Factor forward_active_energy: name: Forward Active Energy id: phase_b_forward_active_energy reverse_active_energy: Reverse Active Energy calibration: current_gain: 3133655 voltage_gain: -755235 power_gain: -1345638 phase_angle: 188 phase_c: name: Phase C voltage: Voltage current: Current active_power: name: Active Power id: phase_c_active_power power_factor: Power Factor forward_active_energy: name: Forward Active Energy id: phase_c_forward_active_energy reverse_active_energy: Reverse Active Energy calibration: current_gain: 3111158 voltage_gain: -743813 power_gain: -1351437 phase_angle: 180 neutral: name: Neutral current: Current calibration: current_gain: 311123 - platform: combination type: sum name: "Sum Active Power" id: sum_active_power sources: - source: phase_a_active_power - source: phase_b_active_power - source: phase_c_active_power - platform: combination type: sum name: "Sum Forward Active Energy" state_class: total_increasing sources: - source: phase_a_forward_active_energy - source: phase_b_forward_active_energy - source: phase_c_forward_active_energy - platform: total_daily_energy name: 'Total Daily Energy' power_id: sum_active_power unit_of_measurement: 'kWh' state_class: total_increasing device_class: energy accuracy_decimals: 3 filters: # Multiplication factor from W to kW is 0.001 - multiply: 0.001