Shelly 1PM Gen3
Shelly 1PM Gen3
Device Type: relayBoard: esp32Difficulty: Plug-n-flash, 2/5
This is the third generation of the Shelly 1PM. It sports a single 16A relay, power monitoring, and uses the ESP-Shelly-C38F, a derivative of the ESP32-C3 with 8MB flash.
This device includes the Belling BL0942 Energy Monitor that is supported by ESPHome.
Serial Pinout
The Shelly 1PM Gen3 includes the six-pin "proprietary serial interface" 1.27mm header broken out on the back that can be used for flashing. An inexpensive 1.27mm to 2.54mm pitch changer board can make flashing these devices easier than they already are.
The serial pinout is:
Label | Description | GPIO |
+3.3_ESP | 3.3v | |
GPIO0 | BootSEL | GPIO0 |
GND | Ground |
GPIO Pinout
Pin | Function |
GPIO1 | Button |
GPIO3 | NTC sensor |
GPIO4 | Relay |
GPIO6 | BL0942 TX |
GPIO7 | BL0942 RX |
GPIO10 | Switch |
Basic Configuration
esphome: platformio_options: board_build.mcu: esp32c3 board_build.variant: esp32c3 board_build.f_cpu: 160000000L board_build.f_flash: 80000000L board_build.flash_mode: dio board_build.flash_size: 8MB
esp32: variant: esp32c3 board: esp32-c3-devkitm-1
uart: id: bl0942_uart tx_pin: GPIO6 rx_pin: GPIO7 baud_rate: 9600 stop_bits: 1
output: - id: shelly_1pm_gen3_relay platform: gpio pin: GPIO4
binary_sensor: - id: shelly_1pm_gen3_switch name: Switch platform: gpio pin: GPIO10 - id: shelly_1pm_gen3_button name: Button platform: gpio pin: GPIO1
sensor: - id: temperature name: Temperature platform: ntc sensor: temperature_sensor_resistance icon: mdi:thermometer entity_category: diagnostic unit_of_measurement: °C accuracy_decimals: 1 calibration: b_constant: 3350 reference_resistance: 10kOhm reference_temperature: 25°C - id: temperature_sensor_resistance platform: resistance sensor: temperature_sensor_voltage configuration: DOWNSTREAM resistor: 10kOhm - id: temperature_sensor_voltage platform: adc pin: GPIO3 attenuation: 11db - platform: bl0942 uart_id: bl0942_uart line_frequency: 60Hz voltage: name: Voltage current: name: Current power: name: Power frequency: name: Frequency accuracy_decimals: 2
Application-specific Configuration
Following is an application-specific configuration of the Shelly 1PM Gen3 for shutting off power to an attached clothes washer in the event of a frozen drain line.
substitutions: device_id: lauwshpow device_name: LAUWSHPOW channel_1_id: washer_outlet channel_1_name: Washer Outlet
esphome: name: $device_id area: Laundry Room platformio_options: board_build.mcu: esp32c3 board_build.variant: esp32c3 board_build.f_cpu: 160000000L board_build.f_flash: 80000000L board_build.flash_mode: dio board_build.flash_size: 8MB
esp32: variant: esp32c3 board: esp32-c3-devkitm-1
# Newer ESP32 variants (including the C3) enable USB on the UART pins by# default unless we explicitly specify that we want to use UART0 for the# logger.## You can check this by looking at the generated PlatformIO config file.# For example, in .esphome/build/lauwshpow/platformio.ini, the following# build_flags would be set if U0RXD/U0TXD are configured to speak USB:## -DARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT=1# -DARDUINO_USB_MODE=1## I don't care about USB; I'd prefer to be able to view the console, so# configure the logger to use UART0.
logger: hardware_uart: uart0
# Configure a separate UART peripheral on GPIO6/GPIO7 for the BL0942.
uart: id: bl0942_uart tx_pin: GPIO6 rx_pin: GPIO7 baud_rate: 9600 stop_bits: 1
# Setup an output and associated switch for the relay on GPIO4.
output: - id: relay_output_1 platform: gpio pin: GPIO4
switch: - id: ${channel_1_id} name: ${channel_1_name} platform: output output: relay_output_1 device_class: outlet restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON
binary_sensor: # Binary sensors for the line-level switch input and the button on # the rear of the device. These are commented out because I'm not # using them. # #- id: line_switch_input # name: ${device_name} Switch # platform: gpio # pin: GPIO10 #- id: shelly_1pm_button # name: ${device_name} Button # platform: gpio # pin: GPIO1
# Template binary sensors to use for my application-specific automations. - id: washer_running name: Washer Running platform: template icon: mdi:washing-machine device_class: running - id: drain_below_freezing name: Washer Drain Below Freezing platform: template icon: mdi:pipe-disconnected
# Configure an external DS18B20 sensor on GPIO19 to use for monitoring# the temperature of the washer drain line. We use the on_value_range# events to setup automations to kill the washer at -2°C (28°F), which# is far enough below freezing to begin worrying. If that happens, we# don't want to turn it back on until the temperature rises far enough# above freezing to stop worrying -- 5°C (40°F) seems good. We'll can# also publish sensor states at the zero-cross (with a 0.1°C buffer to# avoid thrashing) for surfacing in the Home Assistant UI.
one_wire: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO19
sensor: # 1-wire DS18B20 temperature probe - id: drain_temperature platform: dallas_temp address: 0xf4000007875cd674 name: Washer Drain Temperature update_interval: 5s on_value_range: - above: 5 then: - switch.turn_on: ${channel_1_id} - above: 0.1 then: - binary_sensor.template.publish: id: drain_below_freezing state: OFF - below: -0.1 then: - binary_sensor.template.publish: id: drain_below_freezing state: ON - below: -2 then: - switch.turn_off: ${channel_1_id}
# Internal NTC temperature sensor - id: ${device_id}_temperature name: ${device_name} Temperature platform: ntc sensor: ${device_id}_temperature_sensor_resistance icon: mdi:thermometer entity_category: diagnostic unit_of_measurement: °C accuracy_decimals: 1 calibration: b_constant: 3350 reference_resistance: 10kOhm reference_temperature: 25°C
# Required for NTC sensor - id: ${device_id}_temperature_sensor_resistance platform: resistance sensor: ${device_id}_temperature_sensor_voltage configuration: DOWNSTREAM resistor: 10kOhm
# Required for NTC sensor - id: ${device_id}_temperature_sensor_voltage platform: adc pin: GPIO3 attenuation: 11db
# Belling BL0942 Energy Monitor - platform: bl0942 uart_id: bl0942_uart line_frequency: 60Hz voltage: name: Washer AC Voltage current: name: Washer AC Current power: name: Washer AC Power on_value_range: - above: 50 then: - binary_sensor.template.publish: id: washer_running state: ON - below: 5 then: - binary_sensor.template.publish: id: washer_running state: OFF frequency: name: Washer AC Frequency accuracy_decimals: 2 update_interval: 5s