Nerdiy's SelfIY Ring
Nerdiy's SelfIY Ring
Device Type: lightElectrical Standard: globalBoard: esp32Difficulty: Comes with ESPhome, 1/5
General Notes
Nerdiy's SelfIY Ring is a selfie ring that can be manufactured using a 3D printer.
In addition to the 3D-printed components, it is based on a WS2812 (or similar) LED strip and a Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32-S3. The SelfIY Ring is powered via a USB-C connection and can be integrated and controlled through HomeAssistant thanks to the ESPHome-based firmware. The color and brightness of the LEDs can be adjusted either through HomeAssistant or via the integrated web server. Additionally, the brightness can be controlled using the two built-in sensor buttons.
The SelfIY Ring can be mounted on a standard tripod thread (1/4″). Furthermore, cameras can also be attached to the ring using a tripod thread (1/4″).
Files for 3D print
More info and the housing STLs are available here:
GPIO Pinout
Pin | Function |
GPIO07 | Touch Button "Plus" |
GPIO08 | Touch Button "Minus" |
GPIO05 | LED-Strip |
Basic Config
The latest state of the configuration is available here.