Martin Jerry Dimmer MJ-SD01
Martin Jerry Dimmer MJ-SD01
Device Type: dimmerElectrical Standard: usBoard: esp8266
GPIO Pinout
Pin | Function |
GPIO0 | up button (inverted, input_pullup) |
GPIO1 | down button (inverted, input_pullup) |
GPIO3 | led5 (inverted) |
GPIO4 | red led (inverted) |
GPIO5 | led4 (inverted) |
GPIO12 | led3 (inverted) |
GPIO13 | pwm |
GPIO14 | led2 (inverted) |
GPIO15 | main button (input_pullup) |
GPIO16 | led1 + relay (inverted) + blue led + reset button |
The header CN is under the board, visible after removing the 4 screws.
Pin | Function |
CN1-1 | TXD |
CN1-2 | RXD |
CN1-3 | GPIO2 (don't use) |
CN1-4 | GPIO0 (connect to ground) |
CN1-5 | GROUND |
CN1-6 | VCC |
Light as fully-featured package
@joshuaboniface has created a fully-featured, packaged configuration for this device, which permits quick flashing with a pre-compiled binary as well as automatic adoption, deployment, and updates.
The functionality has been modified quite significantly from the example below, to provide an experience more like a WeMo dimmer switch as well as provide more flexibility for control in HomeAssistant dashboards and automations. See the README in the repository for more information and examples.
# Light dimmer
substitutions: # # device_name: martin_jerry_mj_sd01 # hostname & entity_id friendly_name: Martin Jerry MJ-SD01 # Displayed in HA frontend ip_address: !secret martin_jerry_mj_sd01_ip # use /config/esphome/secrets.yaml pwm_min_power: 15% # keep dimming functional at lowest levels no_delay: 0s # transition when changing dimmer_lvl & relay delay transition_length: .5s # transition when turning on/off long_press_min: .4s # minimum time to activate long-press action long_press_max: 2s # maximum time to activate long-press action long_press_up: 100% # long press brightness long_press_down: 33% # long press brightness long_press_main: 50% # long press brightness # Number of incremental steps between 0 and 100% intensity with the up/down # buttons. steps: "8" gamma_correct: "2.0" # Default gamma of 2.8 is generally too high.
binary_sensor: - platform: gpio # #name: "${friendly_name} Up Button" id: up_button pin: number: GPIO0 inverted: True mode: INPUT_PULLUP on_press: # - if: condition: light.is_on: dimmer then: - lambda: !lambda |- // Similar to light.dim_relative but add the flashing. auto val = id(dimmer).remote_values.get_brightness(); if (val >= (${steps}.0f-1.0f)/${steps}.0f) { val = 1.0f; } else { val += 1.0f/${steps}.0f; } auto call = id(dimmer).turn_on(); call.set_brightness(val); call.perform(); if (val == 1.f) { id(flash_lights).execute(); } else: - light.turn_on: id: dimmer brightness: "${long_press_up}" on_click: # min_length: ${long_press_min} max_length: ${long_press_max} then: - light.turn_on: id: dimmer brightness: "${long_press_up}" - platform: gpio # #name: "${friendly_name} Down Button" id: down_button pin: number: GPIO1 inverted: True mode: INPUT_PULLUP on_press: # - if: condition: light.is_on: dimmer then: - lambda: !lambda |- // Similar to light.dim_relative but add the flashing. auto val = id(dimmer).remote_values.get_brightness(); if (val <= 1.0f/${steps}.0f) { val = .01f; } else { val -= 1.0f/${steps}.0f; } auto call = id(dimmer).turn_on(); call.set_brightness(val); call.perform(); if (val == 0.01f) { id(flash_lights).execute(); } else: - light.turn_on: id: dimmer brightness: "${long_press_down}" on_click: # min_length: ${long_press_min} max_length: ${long_press_max} then: - light.turn_on: id: dimmer brightness: "${long_press_down}" - platform: gpio # #name: ${friendly_name} Main Button id: main_button pin: number: GPIO15 mode: INPUT_PULLUP on_press: # TODO: Use "light.toggle: dimmer" instead of the code below if you want # to keep the previous brightness by default. # - if: condition: light.is_on: dimmer then: - light.turn_off: dimmer else: - light.turn_on: id: dimmer brightness: "${long_press_main}" on_click: # min_length: ${long_press_min} max_length: ${long_press_max} then: - light.turn_on: id: dimmer brightness: "${long_press_main}"
light: - platform: status_led id: ledred pin: number: GPIO4 inverted: True - platform: monochromatic # name: "${friendly_name}" id: dimmer output: pwm default_transition_length: ${no_delay} gamma_correct: "${gamma_correct}" effects: - flicker: name: "Flicker" alpha: 90% intensity: 25% - strobe: name: "Fast Pulse" colors: - state: true brightness: 100% duration: 500ms - brightness: 1% duration: 750ms on_state: - script.execute: set_lights
script: - id: set_lights then: - lambda: |- if (id(dimmer).remote_values.get_state() == 0.f) { id(led2).turn_off(); id(led3).turn_off(); id(led4).turn_off(); id(led5).turn_off(); // Comment the following line out if you don't want the red LED when // the dimmer is off. id(ledred).turn_on().perform(); return; } id(ledred).turn_off().perform(); auto val = id(dimmer).remote_values.get_brightness(); if (val >= .1f) { id(led2).turn_on(); } else { id(led2).turn_off(); } if (val >= .36f) { id(led3).turn_on(); } else { id(led3).turn_off(); } if (val >= .73f) { id(led4).turn_on(); } else { id(led4).turn_off(); } if (val >= .9f) { id(led5).turn_on(); } else { id(led5).turn_off(); } - id: flash_lights then: - output.turn_on: led2 - output.turn_on: led3 - output.turn_on: led4 - output.turn_on: led5 - delay: 150ms - output.turn_off: led2 - output.turn_off: led3 - output.turn_off: led4 - output.turn_off: led5 - delay: 150ms - output.turn_on: led2 - output.turn_on: led3 - output.turn_on: led4 - output.turn_on: led5 - delay: 150ms - output.turn_off: led2 - output.turn_off: led3 - output.turn_off: led4 - output.turn_off: led5 - delay: 150ms - script.execute: set_lights
output: - platform: esp8266_pwm # power_supply: relay pin: GPIO13 id: pwm # Even lower frequency can be used. 120 Hz works fine in 60 Hz countries. frequency: 300 Hz min_power: ${pwm_min_power} - platform: gpio # id: led2 pin: GPIO14 inverted: true - platform: gpio id: led3 pin: GPIO12 inverted: true - platform: gpio id: led4 pin: GPIO5 inverted: true - platform: gpio id: led5 pin: GPIO3 inverted: true
power_supply: - id: relay # pin: number: GPIO16 inverted: True enable_time: ${no_delay} keep_on_time: ${no_delay}
## below is common between both light and fan
esphome: # name: ${device_name} platform: ESP8266 board: esp01_1m # esp8266_restore_from_flash: true # Can cause reduced flash lifetime due to frequent writes, enable as needed
sensor: - platform: wifi_signal name: "${friendly_name} WiFi Signal" update_interval: 600s
wifi: # ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password manual_ip: static_ip: ${ip_address} gateway: !secret wifigateway subnet: !secret wifisubnet dns1: !secret wifidns ap: ssid: ${friendly_name}_AP password: !secret wifi_password channel: 1 manual_ip: static_ip: gateway: subnet:
# web_server: # port: 80 # # Can cause high memory usage on ESP8266, enable as needed
logger: #
api: encryption: key: !secret encryption_key #
ota: password: !secret esphome_ota_password #
Timed Fan control
The MJ-SD01 can control a low power (<400W?) fan. Ignore the dimmer feature and use it as a timer, using the green leds as feedback on how much time is left.
# Timed fan control
substitutions: # # device_name: martin_jerry_mj_sd01 # hostname & entity_id friendly_name: Martin Jerry MJ-SD01 # Displayed in HA frontend ip_address: !secret martin_jerry_mj_sd01_ip # use /config/esphome/secrets.yaml max_time: "30" # number of minutes increment: "5" # number of minutes to add or remove with up/down buttons
binary_sensor: - platform: gpio # #name: "${friendly_name} Up Button" id: up_button pin: number: GPIO0 inverted: True mode: INPUT_PULLUP on_press: - lambda: !lambda |- auto now = id(current_time).timestamp_now(); if (id(until) == 0) { id(until) = now; } id(until) += ${increment}*60; auto max = now + ${max_time}*60; if (id(until) > max) { id(until) = max; id(flash_lights).execute(); } - if: condition: switch.is_off: fan then: - switch.turn_on: fan - platform: gpio # #name: "${friendly_name} Down Button" id: down_button pin: number: GPIO1 inverted: True mode: INPUT_PULLUP on_press: - if: condition: switch.is_on: fan then: - lambda: !lambda |- id(until) -= ${increment}*60; if (id(until) < id(current_time).timestamp_now()) { id(fan).turn_off(); } - platform: gpio # #name: ${friendly_name} Main Button id: main_button pin: number: GPIO15 mode: INPUT_PULLUP on_press: - if: condition: switch.is_on: fan then: - switch.turn_off: fan else: - lambda: !lambda id(until) = id(current_time).timestamp_now() + ${max_time}*60; - switch.turn_on: fan
switch: - platform: output id: fan name: "${upper_devicename}" output: out on_turn_on: - light.turn_off: ledred on_turn_off: - globals.set: id: until value: "0" - light.turn_on: ledred
light: - platform: status_led id: ledred pin: number: GPIO4 inverted: True
time: - platform: homeassistant id: current_time
globals: - id: until type: uint32_t restore_value: no
interval: - interval: 250ms then: - lambda: |- auto now = id(current_time).timestamp_now(); if (id(until) < now) { id(fan).turn_off(); } id(set_lights).execute();script: - id: set_lights then: - lambda: |- if (id(until) == 0) { id(led2).turn_off(); id(led3).turn_off(); id(led4).turn_off(); id(led5).turn_off(); return; } auto delta = (${max_time}*60) / 5; auto limit = id(current_time).timestamp_now() + delta; if (id(until) >= limit) { id(led2).turn_on(); } else { id(led2).turn_off(); } limit += delta; if (id(until) >= limit) { id(led3).turn_on(); } else { id(led3).turn_off(); } limit += delta; if (id(until) >= limit) { id(led4).turn_on(); } else { id(led4).turn_off(); } limit += delta; if (id(until) >= limit) { id(led5).turn_on(); } else { id(led5).turn_off(); } - id: flash_lights then: - output.turn_on: led2 - output.turn_on: led3 - output.turn_on: led4 - output.turn_on: led5 - delay: 150ms - output.turn_off: led2 - output.turn_off: led3 - output.turn_off: led4 - output.turn_off: led5 - delay: 150ms - output.turn_on: led2 - output.turn_on: led3 - output.turn_on: led4 - output.turn_on: led5 - delay: 150ms - output.turn_off: led2 - output.turn_off: led3 - output.turn_off: led4 - output.turn_off: led5 - delay: 150ms - script.execute: set_lights
output: - platform: gpio power_supply: relay pin: GPIO13 id: out - platform: gpio id: led2 pin: GPIO14 inverted: true - platform: gpio id: led3 pin: GPIO12 inverted: true - platform: gpio id: led4 pin: GPIO5 inverted: true - platform: gpio id: led5 pin: GPIO3 inverted: true
power_supply: - id: relay # pin: number: GPIO16 inverted: True enable_time: 0s keep_on_time: 0s
## below is common between both light and fan
esphome: # name: ${device_name} platform: ESP8266 board: esp01_1m # esp8266_restore_from_flash: true # Can cause reduced flash lifetime due to frequent writes, enable as needed sensor: - platform: wifi_signal name: "${friendly_name} WiFi Signal" update_interval: 600s
wifi: # ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password manual_ip: static_ip: ${ip_address} gateway: !secret wifigateway subnet: !secret wifisubnet dns1: !secret wifidns ap: ssid: ${friendly_name}_AP password: !secret wifi_password channel: 1 manual_ip: static_ip: gateway: subnet:
# web_server: # port: 80 # # Can cause high memory usage on ESP8266, enable as needed
logger: #
api: encryption: key: !secret encryption_key #
ota: password: !secret esphome_ota_password #