M5Stack M5StickC PLUS
M5Stack M5StickC PLUS
Device Type: miscElectrical Standard: globalBoard: esp32Project URL:
Product Images
GPIO Pinout
Pin | Function |
GPIO37 | Button A |
GPIO39 | Button B |
GPIO10 | Internal LED |
GPIO09 | Infrared LED |
GPIO21 | I2C SDA |
GPIO22 | I2C SCL |
GPIO05 | Display CS |
GPIO23 | Display DC |
GPIO19 | Display Reset |
GPIO00 | I2S CLK |
GPIO35 | Microphone Data |
External Component
ESPHome AXP192 Component by martydingo
This custom component it to implement support for the AXP192 for both the M5Stick-C. It is required to turn on the backlight.
Example Configuration
substitutions: devicename: m5stick upper_devicename: M5StickC
esphome: name: $devicename platformio_options: upload_speed: 115200
esp32: board: m5stick-c
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password ap: ssid: $devicename Fallback Hotspot password: !secret wifi_password
external_components: - source: github://martydingo/esphome-axp192 components: [axp192]
# AXP192 power management - must be present to initialize TFT power onsensor: - platform: axp192 address: 0x34 i2c_id: bus_a update_interval: 30s battery_level: name: "M5Stick Battery Level" id: "m5stick_batterylevel"
binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO37 inverted: true name: ${upper_devicename} Button A on_press: then: - light.turn_on: led1 on_release: then: - light.turn_off: led1
- platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO39 inverted: true name: ${upper_devicename} Button B on_press: then: - light.turn_on: led1 on_release: then: - light.turn_off: led1
light: - platform: monochromatic output: builtin_led name: ${upper_devicename} Led id: led1
output: - platform: ledc pin: 10 inverted: true id: builtin_led
remote_transmitter: - pin: number: GPIO9 carrier_duty_percent: 50% id: internal
spi: clk_pin: GPIO13 mosi_pin: GPIO15
i2c: - id: bus_a sda: GPIO21 scl: GPIO22 scan: True
font: - file: "gfonts://Roboto" id: roboto size: 12
# 1.14 inch, 135*240 Colorful TFT LCD, ST7789v2display: - platform: st7789v model: TTGO TDisplay 135x240 cs_pin: GPIO5 dc_pin: GPIO23 reset_pin: GPIO18 rotation: 270 lambda: |- it.print(80, 0, id(roboto), ST77XX_WHITE, TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "M5Stick Test");
i2s_audio: id: bus_i2s i2s_lrclk_pin: G26 i2s_bclk_pin: G0
microphone: - platform: i2s_audio i2s_din_pin: GPIO34 i2s_audio_id: bus_i2s adc_type: external pdm: true id: mic
Workaround for using devices powered with 5V on the HY2.0-4P port
The 5V power on the HY2.0-4P is fed by the axp192. Therefore these devices must be initialized some time after the axp192 has started.
i2c: - id: bus_grove sda: GPIO32 scl: GPIO33 scan: True frequency: 100kHz ## Start after the axp192 has powered up ## In case an additional delay is needed this component may be helpful: ## setup_priority: 500
sensor: ## Example: anything connected to "i2c_id: bus_grove" should have a lower setup priority than bus_grove. - platform: scd30 setup_priority: 490 i2c_id: bus_grove address: 0x61 co2: name: "CO2" temperature: name: "Temperature" humidity: name: "Humidity"