Lenovo 800lm RGBCCT Bulb
Lenovo 800lm RGBCCT Bulb
Device Type: lightElectrical Standard: globalBoard: esp8266
This plug can be converted using tuya-convert to flash ESPHome (as of June 2020).
Range temperature from 2700 Kelvin to 6500 Kelvin. Information extracted from product description.
GPIO Pinout
Pin | Function |
GPIO04 | Red |
GPIO12 | Green |
GPIO14 | Blue |
GPIO05 | White Brightness |
GPIO13 | White Temperature |
Basic Configuration
substitutions: device_name: "lenovo-800lm-rgbcct" friendly_name: "Lenovo 800lm RGBCCT"
esphome: name: ${device_name}
esp8266: board: esp01_1m
# Enable logginglogger:
# Enable Home Assistant APIapi:
ota: password: !secret "ota_password"
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: !secret "ap-ssid" password: !secret "ap-pass"
sensor: - platform: uptime name: ${friendly_name} Uptime
- platform: wifi_signal name: ${friendly_name} Signal Strength
output: - platform: esp8266_pwm id: output_r pin: GPIO4 - platform: esp8266_pwm pin: GPIO12 id: output_g - platform: esp8266_pwm pin: GPIO14 id: output_b - platform: esp8266_pwm id: output_brightness pin: GPIO5 - platform: esp8266_pwm pin: number: GPIO13 inverted: true id: output_temp
light: - platform: rgbct color_interlock: true name: ${friendly_name} red: output_r green: output_g blue: output_b white_brightness: output_brightness color_temperature: output_temp cold_white_color_temperature: 6500 K warm_white_color_temperature: 2700 K