Inkbird IAM-T1

Inkbird IAM-T1

Device Type: sensor
Electrical Standard: global

The Inkbird IAM-T1 is an air quality sensor that measures CO₂ concentration, temperature, relative humidity and air pressure.

Picture of the Inkbird IAM-T1 sensor

An ESPHome running on an ESP32, which provides BLE, can read the values from the sensor.


Use the configuration below to pull data from the sensor over BLE. You will need to find the bluetooth MAC address of your IAM-T1 sensor. This can be done using the NRF Connect app.

You can change the name and id fields where appropriate to suit your device(s).


# Replace with the MAC address of your device.
- mac_address: 11:22:33:44:55:66
id: inkbird_iam_t1_co2
- lambda: |-
ESP_LOGD("ble_client_lambda", "Connected to inkbird BLE device");
- platform: ble_client
ble_client_id: inkbird_iam_t1_co2
name: "Inkbird CO2 measurement"
device_class: carbon_dioxide
unit_of_measurement: 'ppm'
accuracy_decimals: 0
icon: 'mdi:molecule-co2'
service_uuid: 'ffe0'
characteristic_uuid: 'ffe4'
notify: true
type: characteristic
lambda: |-
uint16_t co2 = (x[9] << 8) | x[10];
return (float)co2;
# If your IAM-T1 is set to Celcius instead of
# farenheit, simply change the unit of measurement
# and icon here to celcius.
- platform: ble_client
ble_client_id: inkbird_iam_t1_co2
name: "Inkbird Temperature"
device_class: temperature
unit_of_measurement: '°F'
accuracy_decimals: 1
icon: 'mdi:temperature-fahrenheit'
service_uuid: 'ffe0'
characteristic_uuid: 'ffe4'
notify: true
type: characteristic
lambda: |-
uint8_t is_negative = x[4] & 0xF;
uint16_t temp = (x[5] << 8) | x[6];
if (is_negative == 1) {
return -((float)temp) / 10.0;
} else {
return ((float)temp) / 10.0;
- platform: ble_client
ble_client_id: inkbird_iam_t1_co2
name: "Inkbird Humidity"
device_class: humidity
unit_of_measurement: '%'
accuracy_decimals: 1
icon: 'mdi:water-percent'
service_uuid: 'ffe0'
characteristic_uuid: 'ffe4'
notify: true
type: characteristic
lambda: |-
uint16_t humidity = (x[7] << 8) | x[8];
return ((float)humidity) / 10.0;
- platform: ble_client
ble_client_id: inkbird_iam_t1_co2
name: "Inkbird Air Pressure"
device_class: atmospheric_pressure
unit_of_measurement: 'hPa'
accuracy_decimals: 0
icon: 'mdi:gauge'
service_uuid: 'ffe0'
characteristic_uuid: 'ffe4'
notify: true
type: characteristic
lambda: |-
uint16_t pressure = (x[11] << 8) | x[12];
return (float)pressure;
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