Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040 480*480 Smart Screen
Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040 480*480 Smart Screen
Device Type: miscElectrical Standard: globalBoard: esp32Difficulty: Plug-n-flash, 2/5
Product specs
Feature | Spec |
Screen | st7701s driver 480*480 |
Touch screen | gt911 |
CPU | ESP32-S3 |
Flash | 16MB |
Product description
Nice little integrated screen, touch screen, power supply and case with built in relay (or three) and 120v/220v power supply.
Avalible on AliExpress for ~$24.
Basic Config
substitutions: name: "guition-esp32-s3-4848s040" friendly_name: "Guition480-basic" device_description: "Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040 480*480 Smart Screen" project_name: "Guition.ESP32_S3_4848S040" project_version: "1.0.0"
lightbulb: "\U000F0335" ceiling_light: "\U000F0769" lamp: "\U000F06B5" floor_lamp: "\U000F08DD" string_lights: "\U000F12BA"
esphome: name: "${name}" friendly_name: "${friendly_name}" #name_add_mac_suffix: true project: name: "${project_name}" version: "${project_version}" platformio_options: board_build.flash_mode: dio
esp32: board: esp32-s3-devkitc-1 variant: esp32s3 flash_size: 16MB framework: type: esp-idf sdkconfig_options: COMPILER_OPTIMIZATION_SIZE: y CONFIG_ESP32S3_DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ_240: "y" CONFIG_ESP32S3_DATA_CACHE_64KB: "y" CONFIG_ESP32S3_DATA_CACHE_LINE_64B: "y" CONFIG_SPIRAM_FETCH_INSTRUCTIONS: y CONFIG_SPIRAM_RODATA: y
psram: mode: octal speed: 80MHz
api: encryption: key: !secret encryption_key
ota: password: !secret ota_password
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password
web_server: port: 80
external_components: - source: type: git url: ref: 82264dc2440981873b8400d613e0cc32d229daa3 #previous commit - wont be needed in the future components: [lvgl]
sensor: - platform: wifi_signal name: "WiFi Signal" id: wifi_signal_db update_interval: 60s entity_category: diagnostic internal: true
# Reports the WiFi signal strength in % - platform: copy source_id: wifi_signal_db name: "WiFi Strength" filters: - lambda: return min(max(2 * (x + 100.0), 0.0), 100.0); unit_of_measurement: "%" entity_category: diagnostic
text_sensor: - platform: wifi_info ip_address: name: "IP Address" entity_category: diagnostic ssid: name: "Connected SSID" entity_category: diagnostic mac_address: name: "Mac Address" entity_category: diagnostic
#-------------------------------------------# LVGL Buttons#-------------------------------------------lvgl: displays: - display_id: my_display touchscreens: - touchscreen_id: my_touchscreen on_idle: - timeout: 10s then: - logger.log: idle timeout - if: condition: lvgl.is_idle: timeout: 5s then: - logger.log: LVGL is idle - timeout: 15s then: - logger.log: idle 15s timeout
#- lvgl.pause: #- light.turn_off: # id: display_backlight # transition_length: 5s
style_definitions: - id: style_line line_color: 0x0000FF line_width: 8 line_rounded: true - id: date_style text_font: roboto24 align: center text_color: 0x333333 bg_opa: cover radius: 4 pad_all: 2
theme: btn: text_font: roboto24 scroll_on_focus: true group: general radius: 25 width: 150 height: 109 pad_left: 10px pad_top: 10px pad_bottom: 10px pad_right: 10px shadow_width: 0 bg_color: 0x313131 text_color: 0xB6B6B6 checked: bg_color: 0xCC5E14 text_color: 0xB6B6B6
page_wrap: true pages: - id: main_page skip: true layout: type: flex flex_flow: column_wrap width: 100% bg_color: 0x000000 bg_opa: cover pad_all: 5 widgets: - btn: height: 223 checkable: true id: lv_button_1 widgets: - label: text_font: light40 align: top_left text: $lightbulb id: lv_button_1_icon - label: align: bottom_left text: "Center Light" long_mode: dot on_click: light.toggle: internal_light
#-------------------------------------------# Internal outputs#-------------------------------------------output: # Backlight LED - platform: ledc pin: GPIO38 id: GPIO38 frequency: 100Hz
# Built in 240v relay - id: internal_relay_1 platform: gpio pin: 40
# Additional relays (3 relay model) - id: internal_relay_2 platform: gpio pin: 2 - id: internal_relay_3 platform: gpio pin: 1
#-------------------------------------------# Internal lights#-------------------------------------------light: - platform: monochromatic output: GPIO38 name: Backlight id: backlight restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON
- platform: binary output: internal_relay_1 name: Internal Light id: internal_light on_turn_on: then: - lvgl.widget.update: id: lv_button_1_icon text_color: 0xFFFF00 - lvgl.widget.update: id: lv_button_1 state: checked: true on_turn_off: then: - lvgl.widget.update: id: lv_button_1_icon text_color: 0xB6B6B6 - lvgl.widget.update: id: lv_button_1 state: checked: false
#-------------------------------------------# Graphics and Fonts#-------------------------------------------font: - file: "gfonts://Roboto" id: roboto24 size: 24 bpp: 4 extras: - file: "fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf" # glyphs: [ "\U000F004B", "\U0000f0ed", "\U000F006E", "\U000F012C", "\U000F179B", "\U000F0748", "\U000F1A1B", "\U000F02DC", "\U000F0A02", "\U000F035F", "\U000F0156", "\U000F0C5F", "\U000f0084", "\U000f0091", ]
- file: "fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf" # id: light40 size: 40 bpp: 4 glyphs: [ "\U000F0335", # mdi-lightbulb "\U000F0769", # mdi-ceiling-light "\U000F06B5", # mdi-lamp "\U000F08DD", # mdi-floor-lamp "\U000F12BA", # mdi-string-lights ]
#-------------------------------------------# Touchscreen gt911 i2c#-------------------------------------------i2c: - id: bus_a sda: GPIO19 scl: GPIO45 #frequency: 100kHz
touchscreen: platform: gt911 transform: mirror_x: false mirror_y: false id: my_touchscreen display: my_display
on_touch: - logger.log: format: Touch at (%d, %d) args: [touch.x, touch.y] - lambda: |- ESP_LOGI("cal", "x=%d, y=%d, x_raw=%d, y_raw=%0d", touch.x, touch.y, touch.x_raw, touch.y_raw );
#-------------------------------------------# Display st7701s spi#-------------------------------------------spi: - id: lcd_spi clk_pin: GPIO48 mosi_pin: GPIO47
display: - platform: st7701s id: my_display update_interval: never auto_clear_enabled: False spi_mode: MODE3 data_rate: 2MHz color_order: RGB invert_colors: False dimensions: width: 480 height: 480 cs_pin: 39 de_pin: 18 hsync_pin: 16 vsync_pin: 17 pclk_pin: 21 pclk_frequency: 12MHz pclk_inverted: False hsync_pulse_width: 8 hsync_front_porch: 10 hsync_back_porch: 20 vsync_pulse_width: 8 vsync_front_porch: 10 vsync_back_porch: 10 init_sequence: - 1 # Custom sequences are an array, first byte is command, the rest are data. - [0xFF, 0x77, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10] # CMD2_BKSEL_BK0 - [0xCD, 0x00] # disable MDT flag data_pins: red: - 11 #r1 - 12 #r2 - 13 #r3 - 14 #r4 - 0 #r5 green: - 8 #g0 - 20 #g1 - 3 #g2 - 46 #g3 - 9 #g4 - 10 #g5 blue: - 4 #b1 - 5 #b2 - 6 #b3 - 7 #b4 - 15 #b5