Gosund SL2
Gosund SL2
Device Type: lightElectrical Standard: euBoard: esp8266
Gosund SL2 LED light stripe
This is a cheap LED light stripe which can be bought at Amazon. Older versions of this LED controller allow to flash the device using tuya-convert whereas newer version needs to be flashed using a cable connection to the pins on the controller.
# Define the namesubstitutions: devicename: "markise_led" upper_devicename: "Markise LED"
esphome: name: ${devicename} platform: ESP8266 board: esp01_1m
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password ap:
# Enable logginglogger:
# Enable Home Assistant APIapi: encryption: key: !secret encryption_key
ota: password: !secret esphome_api
web_server: port: 80
time: - platform: homeassistant id: homeassistant_time
# Enable switch for remote restartswitch: - platform: restart name: "${upper_devicename} Restart"
# Example configuration entrylight: - platform: rgb name: "${upper_devicename}" red: output_red green: output_green blue: output_blue id: led_strip
# Example output entryoutput: - platform: esp8266_pwm id: output_red pin: GPIO12 - platform: esp8266_pwm id: output_green pin: GPIO5 - platform: esp8266_pwm id: output_blue pin: GPIO13
binary_sensor: - platform: status name: "${upper_devicename} - Status" device_class: connectivity - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO4 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: true name: "${upper_devicename} Pushbutton" internal: true on_press: then: - light.toggle: led_strip
sensor: - platform: wifi_signal name: "${upper_devicename} - Wifi Signal" update_interval: 60s icon: mdi:wifi
- platform: uptime name: "${upper_devicename} - Uptime" update_interval: 60s icon: mdi:clock-outline