ESPBell-LITE Intercom and Doorbell module
ESPBell-LITE Intercom and Doorbell module
Device Type: miscElectrical Standard: globalBoard: esp8266Difficulty: Comes with ESPhome, 1/5
Product description
ESPBell-LITE Intercom and Doorbell module allow you to stay informed when someone rings your doorbell or presses the intercom button. Upon receiving an interactive notification, you have the convenience to either promptly open the door or choose to dismiss the alert by simply tapping the button within the notification.
You can buy an assembled device from the official store
GPIO Pinout
Pin | Function |
GPIO12 | Free |
GPIO13 | Free |
GPIO14 | Free |
GPIO4 | Doorbell Input 2-30v AC/DC |
GPIO5 | Lock "SSR 2.4A 30v Max" |
GPIO17 | ADC 1V Max |
- Requires 5V Power supply 0.5A
Basic Config
substitutions: name: ESPBell-LITE
esphome: name: espbell-lite name_add_mac_suffix: false project: name: pricelesstoolkit.espbell-lite version: "1.0"
esp8266: board: esp12e
dashboard_import: package_import_url: github://PricelessToolkit/ESPBell-LITE/Code/ESPHome/espbell-lite.yaml@main import_full_config: true
# Enable logginglogger:
# Enable Home Assistant APIapi:
ota:- platform: esphome password: "54699445e0aab07e709ffadssd188eb0"
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password fast_connect: true power_save_mode: none
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "${name} Fallback Hotspot" password: "password" ap_timeout: 10s
- platform: uptime name: "${name}" id: uptime_seconds update_interval: 60
- platform: wifi_signal name: "${name} WiFi Signal"
# Doorbell Sensor - platform: gpio pin: number: 4 #inverted: true name: "DoorBell" icon: "mdi:bell" filters: delayed_on: 100ms
- platform: status name: "${name} Status"
# Door Lock Opener "Momentary Switch" Keeps SSR ON for 1.5s. - platform: gpio pin: 5 id: Lock name: "Lock" icon: "mdi:lock" restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF on_turn_on: - delay: 1500ms - switch.turn_off: Lock
- platform: restart name: ${name} restart