Droplet Smart Irrigation System

Droplet Smart Irrigation System

Device Type: misc
Electrical Standard: global
Board: esp32
Difficulty: Comes with ESPhome, 1/5

Product image Product image

Product description

The Droplet Smart Irrigation System is a practical solution for efficient water management in gardens and agricultural spaces. It provides precise control over watering schedules, ensuring plants get the right amount of water while conserving resources. Additionally, it can measure soil moisture, air humidity, control lights, and much more.

You can buy an assembled PCB from the official store

Main Board

Micro Pump Outputs5x Micro Pump outputs5V each
Soil Moisture Sensor Inputs5x inputs (ADC-5V-GND)Data line pulled down with 1M ohm resistor (Data line MAX 3.3V)
Onboard Temperature SensorDS18B20DS18B20 Documentation
Onboard BuzzerBuzzer port can be freed up with jumperBuzzer Documentation
Breakout PinsFor connecting i2c OLED DisplayOLED Display Documentation
Manual Pump Control5x Buttons for manual pump control-
Wake-Up/OLED Control ButtonShort press: wake-up OLED, Long press: general purpose2x Binary sensors available for HA
FusesAll pump outputs and moisture sensor inputs have fuses-
Usable GPIO PinsGPIO 19, 5, 26, 2, 15, 27, 14, 12-
i2c PinsGPIO 21, 221x i2c
External Port for DS18B20GPIO 25-

Expansion Board v3

Relay Outputs1x JST 10-pin connector for 8 relaysUses MCP23017 Expander MCP23017 Documentation
i2c Connectors2x XH 4-pin i2c (V, GPIO 21, GPIO 22, GND)-
GPIO Pins7x XH 3-pin (GPIO 19, 5, 26, 2, 15, 27, 14)-
DS18B20 TMP Sensor Connector1x XH 3-pin for DS18B20 TMP Sensors (3.3V, GPIO 25, GND)-
Buzzer Control1x 1-pin header GPIO23 connected to buzzerBuzzer port can be freed up by removing jumper JP

home assistant entities

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