Smart Oil Gauge
Smart Oil Gauge
Device Type: sensorElectrical Standard: usBoard: esp8266Difficulty: Disassembly required, 3/5
Product Page:
SKU: CCF-901
Pin | Function |
GPIO14 | Ultrasonic Power |
GPIO12 | Control Button (HIGH = off, LOW = on) |
GPIO13 | System Timer DONE (TP5111) |
GPIO15 | Analog Switch SELECT (SN74LVC1G3157) |
GPIO2 | Control Board LED (HIGH = off, LOW = on) |
GPIO0 | UART download |
GPIO16 | Connected to RST |
A0 | Temperature or Battery Voltage |
RST | Reset, Connected to GPIO16 |
GPIO5 | Ultrasonic Echo (JSN-SR04T) |
GPIO4 | Ultrasonic Trigger (JSN-SR04T) |
2) Remove the control board
3) Locate the contact points required for Physically Connecting to your Device: \
Note: Be sure to modify the substitution section of the code for your tank_size and tank_orientation. \ It is highly recommended to use an external 6.5 to 7.4 VDC power supply. Running this code will likely deplete the batteries faster than the stock firmware.
The controller wakes every hour, sends three level readings to Home Assistant, and then powers down for another hour waiting for the TPL5111 to power it back up.
Pressing the control button once will either wake up the controller, or power it back down.
Double pressing the control button while powered on will toggle between allowing and not allowing the automatic power down. When the controller is on, and the automatic power down is allowed, the LED on the control board will be OFF and briefly blink ON every second. When the controller is on, and the automatic power down is not allowed, the LED on the control board will be ON and briefly blink OFF every second. Wait about 15 to 20 seconds after waking the controller before attempting to disable the automatic power down. Disabling the Automatic power down gives time to flash Esphome code updates.
LED Behavior | Controller State (Double Press Control Button to switch states) |
Short Blink ON every Second | Controller is awake, after sending 3 oil volume measurements, will power down for 1 hour. (Default State) |
Short Blink OFF every Second | Controller is awake, will continue to stay awake until restarted. Useful for reprogramming. |
Ultrasonic JSN-SR04T
Datasheet: \
IC References
TPL5111 - Nano-Power System Timer for Power Gating
SMD Marking: ZFVX \
Power Gating of 3.3VDC to the ESP8266.\ Hardwired to restart the controller every hour.\ Timer will cut 3.3V when DONE pin goes HIGH, will wake after 1hr.
SN74LVC1G3157 - Single-Pole Double-Throw Analog Switch
SMD Marking: C5F \ Datasheet:
Switches the connection to A0 (GPIO17) | SELECT (GPIO15) | A0 (GPIO17) | | --------------- | ---------------------------- | | LOW | Battery Voltage* | | HIGH | Temperature (MCP9700AT-E/TT) |
*Battery Voltage is measured with a voltage divider circuit using R1= 10MOhm, R2= 1MOhm.
MCP9700AT-E/TT - Low-Power Linear Active Thermistor IC
SMD Marking: AFT3 \ Datasheet:
Basic Configuration
substitutions: device_name: "smart-oil-gauge" friendly_name: "Smart Oil Gauge" Samples_Before_Sleep: '3' Auto_Sleep_On_dc: '2.5%' Auto_Sleep_Off_dc: '87%' ultrasonic_interval: '250ms' tank_size: "330" # 275, 330, 500, 550, or 1000 tank_orientation: '1' # 1 = Vertical, 2 = Horizontal
esphome: name: ${device_name} friendly_name: ${friendly_name} on_boot: - priority: 800 then: - switch.turn_off: ultrasonic_en - switch.turn_off: deep_sleep_trig - switch.turn_off: VarCheck - switch.turn_off: ultrasonic_pwr - switch.turn_off: Auto_Sleep_Disable - priority: -100 then: - script.execute: set_tank_dimensions - output.turn_on: LED_pwm - output.set_level: id: LED_pwm level: ${Auto_Sleep_On_dc} - switch.turn_on: TempSens_EN
on_shutdown: then: - switch.turn_off: ultrasonic_en - output.turn_off: LED_pwm - if: condition: - switch.is_on: deep_sleep_trig then: - switch.turn_on: sleep_1hr
esp8266: board: esp_wroom_02
# Enable logginglogger:
# Enable Home Assistant APIapi: encryption: key: !secret api_encryption_key
ota: - platform: esphome password: !secret ota_password
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: ${device_name} password: !secret fallback_password
deep_sleep: id: my_deep_sleep sleep_duration: 30s
globals: - id: Tank_Width type: float initial_value: '0'
- id: Tank_Radius type: float initial_value: '0'
- id: Tank_Height type: float initial_value: '0'
- id: Tank_Length type: float initial_value: '0'
- id: Oil_Height type: double initial_value: '0'
- id: Rectangle_Height type: double initial_value: '0'
- id: Arc_Height type: double initial_value: '0'
- id: Rectangle_Area type: double initial_value: '0'
- id: Arc_Area type: double initial_value: '0'
- id: Total_Area type: double initial_value: '0'
- id: Oil_In_Tank type: double initial_value: '0'
- id: Max_Fill type: double initial_value: '0'
- id: Tank_Orientation type: float initial_value: ${tank_orientation}
- id: Tank_Size type: float initial_value: ${tank_size}
- id: Measure_Count type: int initial_value: '0'
- id: Samples_Before_Sleep type: int initial_value: ${Samples_Before_Sleep}
switch: - platform: restart name: Reboot
- platform: template name: "Ultrasonic EN" id: ultrasonic_en entity_category: "config" disabled_by_default: true optimistic: true on_turn_on: then: - script.execute: ultrasonic_loop on_turn_off: then: - switch.turn_off: ultrasonic_pwr
- platform: template name: "Deep Sleep Trigger" id: deep_sleep_trig optimistic: True on_turn_on: then: - script.stop: ultrasonic_loop - switch.turn_off: ultrasonic_en - deep_sleep.enter: id: my_deep_sleep
- platform: template name: "Auto Sleep Disable" id: Auto_Sleep_Disable optimistic: True on_turn_on: - output.set_level: id: LED_pwm level: ${Auto_Sleep_Off_dc} on_turn_off: - output.set_level: id: LED_pwm level: ${Auto_Sleep_On_dc}
- platform: template name: "Variable Check" entity_category: "config" id: VarCheck optimistic: True
- platform: gpio pin: GPIO15 id: TempSens_EN name: "TempSens EN" entity_category: "config" disabled_by_default: true
- platform: gpio pin: GPIO14 id: ultrasonic_pwr name: "Ultrasonic Pwr" entity_category: "config" disabled_by_default: false on_turn_on: then: - delay: 5s - switch.turn_on: ultrasonic_en
- platform: gpio pin: GPIO13 # Done Signal to TPL5111 id: sleep_1hr # Use Deep_Sleep_EN entity_category: "config" disabled_by_default: true name: "Sleep 1hr"
output: - platform: slow_pwm id: LED_pwm period: 1s pin: GPIO2 inverted: True
binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO12 inverted: true id: ctrl_btn name: "Control Button" on_multi_click: - timing: - ON for at most 1s - OFF for at most 1s - ON for at most 1s - OFF for at least 0.2s then: - switch.toggle: Auto_Sleep_Disable - timing: - ON for at most 1s - OFF for at least 0.5s then: - switch.turn_on: deep_sleep_trig
sensor: - platform: template name: 'Oil In Tank' id: Oil_In_Tank_sens device_class: volume_storage state_class: measurement unit_of_measurement: 'gal' accuracy_decimals: 4
- platform: template name: 'Max Fill' id: Max_Fill_sens device_class: volume state_class: total unit_of_measurement: 'gal' accuracy_decimals: 4
- platform: adc pin: A0 name: "ADC Input" id: ADC_Input accuracy_decimals: 5 update_interval: 5s entity_category: "diagnostic" filters: - lambda: |-
// Battery Voltage Divider R Values int R1 = 10; // MOhm int R2 = 1; // MOhm
float offset = -2.2; // Temperature correction offset (degC)
if (id(TempSens_EN).state){ return (((x*1000)-500)/10) + offset; // Temperature Sensor (degC) } else { return (x * (R1+R2))/R2; // Battery Voltage }
on_value: then: - if: condition: - switch.is_on: TempSens_EN then: - sensor.template.publish: id: TempC state: !lambda 'return id(ADC_Input).state;' - component.update: VP_Oil - switch.turn_off: TempSens_EN - delay: 1s - switch.turn_on: ultrasonic_pwr else: - sensor.template.publish: id: Batt_V state: !lambda 'return id(ADC_Input).state;'
- platform: template name: 'Temperature' id: TempC device_class: temperature state_class: measurement accuracy_decimals: 3 unit_of_measurement: '°C'
- platform: template name: 'Battery Voltage' id: Batt_V device_class: voltage state_class: measurement accuracy_decimals: 4 unit_of_measurement: 'V'
- platform: template name: 'Vapor Pressure Oil' id: VP_Oil update_interval: never device_class: pressure unit_of_measurement: kPa entity_category: "diagnostic" accuracy_decimals: 8 lambda: |- return id(TempC).state; filters: - calibrate_linear: method: exact datapoints: # # Map 0.0 (from sensor) to 1.0 (true value) # degC to Oil Vapor Pressure kPa - 4.444444444 -> 0.021373756 - 10.0 -> 0.03102642 - 15.55555556 -> 0.051021224 - 21.11111111 -> 0.06205284 - 26.66666667 -> 0.08273712 - 32.22222222 -> 0.11031616 - 37.77777778 -> 0.15168472
- platform: ultrasonic trigger_pin: number: GPIO4 inverted: true
echo_pin: GPIO5 name: "Distance to Oil" id: Oil_Distance accuracy_decimals: 25 update_interval: never # 4s filters:
- median: window_size: 5 send_every: 5 send_first_at: 5
- sliding_window_moving_average: window_size: 16 send_every: 16 send_first_at: 16
- lambda: |-
// Calc Molecular Weight of Vapor above Oil
double MW_Oil = 167.31102; // g_Oil/mol_Oil (C12H23) double MW_Air = 28.9639475; // g_Air/mol_Air
double P_Total = 101.325; // kPa (Could use a measured pressure here) double P_Oil = id(VP_Oil).state; // Partial Pressure of Oil kPa double P_Air = P_Total - P_Oil; // Partial Pressure Of Air kPa
double nOil_per_nTotal = P_Oil / P_Total; // mol_Oil/mol_Total double nAir_per_nTotal = P_Air / P_Total; // mol_Air/mol_Total
double g_Oil_per_nTotal = nOil_per_nTotal * MW_Oil; // g_Oil/mol_Total double g_Air_per_nTotal = nAir_per_nTotal * MW_Air; // g_Air/mol_Total
double MW_Total = g_Oil_per_nTotal + g_Air_per_nTotal; // g_Total/mol_Total MW_Total = MW_Total / 1000; // kg_Totla/mol_Total
// Back Calc Time of Flight double ESP_speed_sound_m_per_s = 343.0; double total_dist = x * 2.0; double time_s = total_dist / ESP_speed_sound_m_per_s;
// Calc Speed of Sound in Vapor above Oil // double gamma = 1.4; // Oil is small enough fraction that large change in gamma is not expected double R = 8.31446261815324; double Sc = sqrt(gamma * R * 273.15 / MW_Total); double speed_sound_m_per_s = Sc * sqrt(1+(id(TempC).state/273.15)); // ideal diatomic gas
// Calc Distance to Oil Surface total_dist = time_s * speed_sound_m_per_s; return total_dist/2.0;
on_value: then: - script.execute: Calc_Oil_Height
- id: Calc_Oil_Height then: - if: condition: - lambda: |- return id(Tank_Orientation) == 1; // Vertical then: - lambda: |- id(Oil_Height) = id(Tank_Height) - (id(Oil_Distance).state * 1000 / 25.4); - script.execute: Check_Oil_Height_V - if: condition: - lambda: |- return id(Tank_Orientation) == 2; // Horizontal then: - lambda: |- id(Oil_Height) = id(Tank_Width) - (id(Oil_Distance).state * 1000 / 25.4); - script.execute: Check_Oil_Height_H
- id: Check_Oil_Height_H then: - lambda: |- id(Rectangle_Height) = id(Oil_Height); id(Arc_Height) = id(Oil_Height); - script.execute: Calc_Area
- id: Check_Oil_Height_V then: - if: condition: lambda: |- return id(Oil_Height) >= (id(Tank_Height)-id(Tank_Radius)); then: - lambda: |- id(Rectangle_Height) = id(Tank_Height) - id(Tank_Width); id(Arc_Height) = id(Oil_Height) - id(Rectangle_Height); - script.execute: Calc_Area - if: condition: all: - lambda: |- return id(Oil_Height) >= (id(Tank_Radius)); - lambda: |- return id(Oil_Height) < (id(Tank_Height)-id(Tank_Radius)); then: - lambda: |- id(Rectangle_Height) = id(Oil_Height) - id(Tank_Radius); id(Arc_Height) = id(Tank_Radius); - script.execute: Calc_Area - if: condition: all: - lambda: |- return id(Oil_Height) >= 0; - lambda: |- return id(Oil_Height) < (id(Tank_Radius)); then: - lambda: |- id(Rectangle_Height) = 0; id(Arc_Height) = id(Oil_Height); - script.execute: Calc_Area
- id: Calc_Area then: - lambda: |- double d; double r; double arc;
d = id(Arc_Height); r = id(Tank_Radius); arc = 2 * (acos((r-d)/r)); id(Arc_Area) = ((r*r) * (arc - sin(arc))) / 2; - lambda: |- if (id(Tank_Orientation) == 1){ // Vertical id(Rectangle_Area) = id(Rectangle_Height) * id(Tank_Width); } else { // Horizontal id(Rectangle_Area) = id(Rectangle_Height) * (id(Tank_Height) - id(Tank_Width)); }
- lambda: |- id(Total_Area) = id(Rectangle_Area) + id(Arc_Area); - script.execute: Calc_Oil_Volume
- id: Calc_Oil_Volume then: - globals.set: id: Oil_In_Tank value: !lambda |- return id(Total_Area) * id(Tank_Length) / 231; - sensor.template.publish: id: Oil_In_Tank_sens state: !lambda 'return id(Oil_In_Tank);' - sensor.template.publish: id: Max_Fill_sens state: !lambda 'return id(Max_Fill) - id(Oil_In_Tank);' - if: condition: - switch.is_on: Auto_Sleep_Disable then: - globals.set: id: Measure_Count value: '0' else: - globals.set: id: Measure_Count value: !lambda 'return id(Measure_Count) += 1;' - if: condition: - lambda: 'return id(Measure_Count) >= id(Samples_Before_Sleep);' then: - switch.turn_on: deep_sleep_trig - lambda: 'ESP_LOGD("MeasureCount", "%i", id(Measure_Count));'
- if: condition: - switch.is_on: VarCheck then: - script.execute: Log_Values
- id: Log_Values mode: queued then: - lambda: |- ESP_LOGD("VarCheck", "Tank_Orientation %.15g", id(Tank_Orientation)); ESP_LOGD("VarCheck", "Tank_Size %.15g", id(Tank_Size)); ESP_LOGD("VarCheck", "Oil_Distance %.15g", id(Oil_Distance).state); ESP_LOGD("VarCheck", "Tank_Width %.15g", id(Tank_Width)); ESP_LOGD("VarCheck", "Tank_Height %.15g", id(Tank_Height)); ESP_LOGD("VarCheck", "Tank_Length %.15g", id(Tank_Length)); ESP_LOGD("VarCheck", "Tank_Radius %.15g", id(Tank_Radius)); ESP_LOGD("VarCheck", "Oil_Height %.15g", id(Oil_Height)); ESP_LOGD("VarCheck", "Arc_Height %.15g", id(Arc_Height)); ESP_LOGD("VarCheck", "Rectangle_Height %.15g", id(Rectangle_Height)); ESP_LOGD("VarCheck", "Arc_Area %.15g", id(Arc_Area)); ESP_LOGD("VarCheck", "Rectangle_Area %.15g", id(Rectangle_Area)); ESP_LOGD("VarCheck", "Total_Area%.15g", id(Total_Area)); ESP_LOGD("VarCheck", "Oil_In_Tank%.15g", id(Oil_In_Tank));
- id: ultrasonic_loop mode: restart then: - delay: ${ultrasonic_interval} - while: condition: switch.is_on: ultrasonic_en then: - component.update: Oil_Distance - delay: ${ultrasonic_interval}
# Tank Dimensions: #
- id: set_tank_dimensions then: - lambda: |- if (id(Tank_Size) == 275){ id(Max_Fill) = 250; id(Tank_Width) = 27.8; id(Tank_Height) = 44; id(Tank_Length) = 60; } if (id(Tank_Size) == 330){ id(Max_Fill) = 300; id(Tank_Width) = 27.8; id(Tank_Height) = 44; id(Tank_Length) = 72; } if (id(Tank_Size) == 500){ id(Max_Fill) = 450; id(Tank_Width) = 48; id(Tank_Height) = 48; id(Tank_Length) = 63.8; } if (id(Tank_Size) == 550){ id(Max_Fill) = 500; id(Tank_Width) = 48; id(Tank_Height) = 48; id(Tank_Length) = 70.25; } if (id(Tank_Size) == 1000){ id(Max_Fill) = 900; id(Tank_Width) = 48; id(Tank_Height) = 48; id(Tank_Length) = 127.6; }
id(Tank_Radius) = id(Tank_Width)/2;