CircuitSetup Expandable-6 Channel ESP32 Energy Meter (ATM90E32)
CircuitSetup Expandable-6 Channel ESP32 Energy Meter (ATM90E32)
Device Type: miscElectrical Standard: globalBoard: esp32
GPIO Pinout
Pin | Function |
GPIO5 | Main Board CS 1 - CT1-3 |
GPIO4 | Main Board CS 2 - CT4-6 |
GPIO0 | Add-on Board 1 CS 1 - CT1-3 |
GPIO16 | Add-on Board 1 CS 2 - CT4-6 |
GPIO27 | Add-on Board 2 CS 1 - CT1-3 |
GPIO17 | Add-on Board 2 CS 2 - CT4-6 |
GPIO2 | Add-on Board 3 CS 1 - CT1-3 (do not use if ESP32 has on-board LED) |
GPIO21 | Add-on Board 3 CS 2 - CT4-6 |
GPIO13 | Add-on Board 4 CS 1 - CT1-3 |
GPIO22 | Add-on Board 4 CS 2 - CT4-6 |
GPIO14 | Add-on Board 5 CS 1 - CT1-3 |
GPIO25 | Add-on Board 5 CS 2 - CT4-6 |
GPIO15 | Add-on Board 6 CS 1 - CT1-3 |
GPIO26 | Add-on Board 6 CS 2 - CT4-6 |
GPIO18 | CLK Pin |
GPIO19 | MISO Pin |
GPIO23 | MOSI Pin |
Main Board Only Configuration
substitutions:# Change the disp_name to something you want disp_name: 6C# Interval of how often the power is updated update_time: 10s# Current Transformers:# 20A/25mA SCT-006: 11143# 30A/1V SCT-013-030: 8650# 50A/1V SCT-013-050: 15420# 80A/26.6mA SCT-010: 41660# 100A/50ma SCT-013-000: 27518# 120A/40mA: SCT-016: 41787# 200A/100mA SCT-024: 27518 current_cal: '27518'# Jameco 9VAC Transformer:# For meter versions:# >= v1.3: 7305 voltage_cal: '7305'
esphome: name: 6chan_energy_meter
esp32: board: nodemcu-32s
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password manual_ip: static_ip: !secret ip_eh_nrgnode gateway: !secret ip_gateway subnet: !secret ip_subnet dns1: !secret ip_dns1
# mqtt:# broker: !secret mqtt_broker# username: !secret mqtt_user# password: !secret mqtt_pass
# Enable logginglogger:
# Enable Home Assistant APIapi:
web_server: port: 80
spi: clk_pin: 18 miso_pin: 19 mosi_pin: 23
sensor: - platform: wifi_signal name: ${disp_name} WiFi update_interval: 60s#IC1 - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 5 phase_a: voltage: name: ${disp_name} Volts A id: ic1Volts accuracy_decimals: 1 current: name: ${disp_name} CT1 Amps id: ct1Amps# The max value for current that the meter can output is 65.535. If you expect to measure current over 65A,# divide the gain_ct by 2 (120A CT) or 4 (200A CT) and multiply the current and power values by 2 or 4 by uncommenting the filter below# filters:# - multiply: 2 power: name: ${disp_name} CT1 Watts id: ct1Watts# filters:# - multiply: 2 gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: current: name: ${disp_name} CT2 Amps id: ct2Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT2 Watts id: ct2Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: current: name: ${disp_name} CT3 Amps id: ct3Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT3 Watts id: ct3Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} frequency: name: ${disp_name} Freq A line_frequency: 60Hz gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time}#IC2 - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 4 phase_a:#this voltage is only needed if monitoring 2 voltages# voltage:# name: ${disp_name} Volts B# id: ic2Volts# accuracy_decimals: 1 current: name: ${disp_name} CT4 Amps id: ct4Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT4 Watts id: ct4Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: current: name: ${disp_name} CT5 Amps id: ct5Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT5 Watts id: ct5Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: current: name: ${disp_name} CT6 Amps id: ct6Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT6 Watts id: ct6Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} frequency: name: ${disp_name} Freq B line_frequency: 60Hz gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time}
#Total Amps - platform: template name: ${disp_name} Total Amps id: totalAmps lambda: return id(ct1Amps).state + id(ct2Amps).state + id(ct3Amps).state + id(ct4Amps).state + id(ct5Amps).state + id(ct6Amps).state ; accuracy_decimals: 2 unit_of_measurement: A icon: "mdi:flash" update_interval: ${update_time}#Total Watts - platform: template name: ${disp_name} Total Watts id: totalWatts lambda: return id(ct1Watts).state + id(ct2Watts).state + id(ct3Watts).state + id(ct4Watts).state + id(ct5Watts).state + id(ct6Watts).state ; accuracy_decimals: 1 unit_of_measurement: W icon: "mdi:flash-circle" update_interval: ${update_time}#kWh - platform: total_daily_energy name: ${disp_name} Total kWh power_id: totalWatts filters: - multiply: 0.001 unit_of_measurement: kWh
switch: - platform: restart name: ${disp_name} Restarttime: - platform: sntp id: sntp_time
Main Board + 1 Add-on Board Configuration
substitutions: # Change the disp_name to something you want disp_name: 6C # Interval of how often the power is updated update_time: 10s # Current Transformers: # 20A/25mA SCT-006: 11143 # 30A/1V SCT-013-030: 8650 # 50A/1V SCT-013-050: 15420 # 80A/26.6mA SCT-010: 41660 # 100A/50ma SCT-013-000: 27518 # 120A/40mA: SCT-016: 41787 # 200A/100mA SCT-024: 27518 current_cal: "27518" # Jameco 9VAC Transformer: # For meter versions: # >= v1.3: 7305 # <= v1.2: 42620 voltage_cal: "7305"
esphome: name: 6chan_energy_meter
esp32: board: nodemcu-32s
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password manual_ip: static_ip: !secret ip_eh_nrgnode gateway: !secret ip_gateway subnet: !secret ip_subnet dns1: !secret ip_dns1
# mqtt:# broker: !secret mqtt_broker# username: !secret mqtt_user# password: !secret mqtt_pass
# Enable logginglogger:
# Enable Home Assistant APIapi:
web_server: port: 80
spi: clk_pin: 18 miso_pin: 19 mosi_pin: 23
sensor: - platform: wifi_signal name: ${disp_name} WiFi update_interval: 60s #IC1 Main - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 5 phase_a: voltage: name: ${disp_name} Volts A id: ic1Volts accuracy_decimals: 1 current: name: ${disp_name} CT1 Amps id: ct1Amps # The max value for current that the meter can output is 65.535. If you expect to measure current over 65A, # divide the gain_ct by 2 (120A CT) or 4 (200A CT) and multiply the current and power values by 2 or 4 by uncommenting the filter below # filters: # - multiply: 2 power: name: ${disp_name} CT1 Watts id: ct1Watts # filters: # - multiply: 2 gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: current: name: ${disp_name} CT2 Amps id: ct2Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT2 Watts id: ct2Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: current: name: ${disp_name} CT3 Amps id: ct3Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT3 Watts id: ct3Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} frequency: name: ${disp_name} Freq A line_frequency: 60Hz gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time} #IC2 Main - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 4 phase_a: current: name: ${disp_name} CT4 Amps id: ct4Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT4 Watts id: ct4Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: current: name: ${disp_name} CT5 Amps id: ct5Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT5 Watts id: ct5Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: current: name: ${disp_name} CT6 Amps id: ct6Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT6 Watts id: ct6Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} line_frequency: 60Hz gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time} #IC1 AddOn - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 0 phase_a: current: name: ${disp_name} CT7 Amps id: ct7Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT7 Watts id: ct7Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: current: name: ${disp_name} CT8 Amps id: ct8Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT8 Watts id: ct8Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: current: name: ${disp_name} CT9 Amps id: ct9Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT9 Watts id: ct9Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} line_frequency: 60Hz gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time} #IC2 AddOn - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 16 phase_a: current: name: ${disp_name} CT10 Amps id: ct10Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT10 Watts id: ct10Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: current: name: ${disp_name} CT11 Amps id: ct11Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT11 Watts id: ct11Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: current: name: ${disp_name} CT12 Amps id: ct12Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT12 Watts id: ct12Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} line_frequency: 60Hz gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time}
#Total Amps Main - platform: template name: ${disp_name} Total Amps Main id: totalAmpsMain lambda: return id(ct1Amps).state + id(ct2Amps).state + id(ct3Amps).state + id(ct4Amps).state + id(ct5Amps).state + id(ct6Amps).state ; accuracy_decimals: 2 unit_of_measurement: A icon: "mdi:flash" update_interval: ${update_time} #Total Amps AddOn - platform: template name: ${disp_name} Total Amps Add-on id: totalAmpsAddOn lambda: return id(ct7Amps).state + id(ct8Amps).state + id(ct9Amps).state + id(ct10Amps).state + id(ct11Amps).state + id(ct12Amps).state ; accuracy_decimals: 2 unit_of_measurement: A icon: "mdi:flash" update_interval: ${update_time} #Total Amps - platform: template name: ${disp_name} Total Amps id: totalAmps lambda: return id(totalAmpsMain).state + id(totalAmpsAddOn).state ; accuracy_decimals: 2 unit_of_measurement: A icon: "mdi:flash" update_interval: ${update_time}
#Total Watts Main - platform: template name: ${disp_name} Total Watts Main id: totalWattsMain lambda: return id(ct1Watts).state + id(ct2Watts).state + id(ct3Watts).state + id(ct4Watts).state + id(ct5Watts).state + id(ct6Watts).state ; accuracy_decimals: 1 unit_of_measurement: W icon: "mdi:flash-circle" update_interval: ${update_time} #Total Watts AddOn - platform: template name: ${disp_name} Total Watts Add-on id: totalWattsAddOn lambda: return id(ct7Watts).state + id(ct8Watts).state + id(ct9Watts).state + id(ct10Watts).state + id(ct11Watts).state + id(ct12Watts).state ; accuracy_decimals: 1 unit_of_measurement: W icon: "mdi:flash-circle" update_interval: ${update_time} #Total Watts - platform: template name: ${disp_name} Total Watts id: totalWatts lambda: return id(totalWattsMain).state + id(totalWattsAddOn).state ; accuracy_decimals: 1 unit_of_measurement: W icon: "mdi:flash-circle" update_interval: ${update_time}
#kWh - platform: total_daily_energy name: ${disp_name} Total kWh power_id: totalWatts filters: - multiply: 0.001 unit_of_measurement: kWh
switch: - platform: restart name: ${disp_name} Restarttime: - platform: sntp id: sntp_time
Main Board + 5 Add-on Boards Configuration
# 5 add-on boards - 36 current channels# ESPHome has a limit on the amount of sensors that it can handle before running out of memory.# Because of this, only the power sensor for each current channel is output
substitutions: # Change the disp_name to something you want disp_name: Energy_Meter # Interval of how often the power is updated update_time: 10s # Current Transformers: # 20A/25mA SCT-006: 11143 # 30A/1V SCT-013-030: 8650 # 50A/1V SCT-013-050: 15420 # 80A/26.6mA SCT-010: 41660 # 100A/50ma SCT-013-000: 27518 # 120A/40mA: SCT-016: 41787 # 200A/100mA SCT-024: 27518 current_cal: "11143" # Jameco 9VAC Transformer: # For meter versions: # >= v1.3: 7305 # <= v1.2: 42620 voltage_cal: "7305"
esphome: name: energy_meter
esp32: board: nodemcu-32s
wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password
# Enable logginglogger:
# Enable Home Assistant APIapi:
spi: clk_pin: 18 miso_pin: 19 mosi_pin: 23sensor: #IC1 Main - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 5 phase_a: voltage: name: ${disp_name} Volts A Main id: ic1Volts accuracy_decimals: 1 current: name: ${disp_name} CT1 Amps id: ct1Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT1 Watts id: ct1Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: current: name: ${disp_name} CT2 Amps id: ct2Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT2 Watts id: ct2Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: current: name: ${disp_name} CT3 Amps id: ct3Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT3 Watts id: ct3Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} frequency: name: ${disp_name} Freq A Main line_frequency: 60Hz gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time} #IC2 Main - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 4 phase_a: current: name: ${disp_name} CT4 Amps id: ct4Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT4 Watts id: ct4Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: current: name: ${disp_name} CT5 Amps id: ct5Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT5 Watts id: ct5Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: current: name: ${disp_name} CT6 Amps id: ct6Amps power: name: ${disp_name} CT6 Watts id: ct6Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} line_frequency: 60Hz gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time} #IC1 AddOn 1 - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 0 phase_a: power: name: ${disp_name} CT7 Watts id: ct7Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: power: name: ${disp_name} CT8 Watts id: ct8Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: power: name: ${disp_name} CT9 Watts id: ct9Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} line_frequency: 60Hz gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time} #IC2 AddOn 1 - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 16 phase_a: power: name: ${disp_name} CT10 Watts id: ct10Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: power: name: ${disp_name} CT11 Watts id: ct11Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: power: name: ${disp_name} CT12 Watts id: ct12Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} line_frequency: 60Hz gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time} #IC1 AddOn 2 - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 27 phase_a: power: name: ${disp_name} CT13 Watts id: ct13Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: power: name: ${disp_name} CT14 Watts id: ct14Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: power: name: ${disp_name} CT15 Watts id: ct15Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} line_frequency: 60Hz gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time} #IC2 AddOn 2 - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 17 phase_a: power: name: ${disp_name} CT16 Watts id: ct16Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: power: name: ${disp_name} CT17 Watts id: ct17Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: power: name: ${disp_name} CT18 Watts id: ct18Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} line_frequency: 60Hz gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time} #IC1 AddOn 3 - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 2 phase_a: power: name: ${disp_name} CT19 Watts id: ct19Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: power: name: ${disp_name} CT20 Watts id: ct20Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: power: name: ${disp_name} CT21 Watts id: ct21Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} line_frequency: 60Hz gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time} #IC2 AddOn 3 - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 21 phase_a: power: name: ${disp_name} CT22 Watts id: ct22Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: power: name: ${disp_name} CT23 Watts id: ct23Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: power: name: ${disp_name} CT24 Watts id: ct24Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} line_frequency: 60Hz gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time} #IC1 AddOn 4 - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 13 phase_a: power: name: ${disp_name} CT25 Watts id: ct25Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: power: name: ${disp_name} CT26 Watts id: ct26Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: power: name: ${disp_name} CT27 Watts id: ct27Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} line_frequency: 60Hz gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time} #IC2 AddOn 4 - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 22 phase_a: power: name: ${disp_name} CT28 Watts id: ct28Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: power: name: ${disp_name} CT29 Watts id: ct29Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: power: name: ${disp_name} CT30 Watts id: ct30Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} line_frequency: 60Hz gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time} #IC1 AddOn 5 - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 14 phase_a: power: name: ${disp_name} CT31 Watts id: ct31Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: power: name: ${disp_name} CT32 Watts id: ct32Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: power: name: ${disp_name} CT33 Watts id: ct33Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} line_frequency: 60Hz gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time} #IC2 AddOn 5 - platform: atm90e32 cs_pin: 25 phase_a: power: name: ${disp_name} CT34 Watts id: ct34Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_b: power: name: ${disp_name} CT35 Watts id: ct35Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} phase_c: power: name: ${disp_name} CT36 Watts id: ct36Watts gain_voltage: ${voltage_cal} gain_ct: ${current_cal} line_frequency: 60Hz gain_pga: 1X update_interval: ${update_time}
#Total Watts Main - platform: template name: ${disp_name} Total Watts Main id: totalWattsMain lambda: return id(ct1Watts).state + id(ct2Watts).state + id(ct3Watts).state + id(ct4Watts).state + id(ct5Watts).state + id(ct6Watts).state ; accuracy_decimals: 1 unit_of_measurement: W icon: "mdi:flash-circle" update_interval: ${update_time} #Total Watts AddOn1 - platform: template name: ${disp_name} Total Watts Add-on1 id: totalWattsAddOn1 lambda: return id(ct7Watts).state + id(ct8Watts).state + id(ct9Watts).state + id(ct10Watts).state + id(ct11Watts).state + id(ct12Watts).state ; accuracy_decimals: 1 unit_of_measurement: W icon: "mdi:flash-circle" update_interval: ${update_time} #Total Watts AddOn2 - platform: template name: ${disp_name} Total Watts Add-on2 id: totalWattsAddOn2 lambda: return id(ct13Watts).state + id(ct14Watts).state + id(ct15Watts).state + id(ct16Watts).state + id(ct17Watts).state + id(ct18Watts).state ; accuracy_decimals: 1 unit_of_measurement: W icon: "mdi:flash-circle" update_interval: ${update_time} #Total Watts AddOn3 - platform: template name: ${disp_name} Total Watts Add-on3 id: totalWattsAddOn3 lambda: return id(ct19Watts).state + id(ct20Watts).state + id(ct21Watts).state + id(ct22Watts).state + id(ct23Watts).state + id(ct24Watts).state ; accuracy_decimals: 1 unit_of_measurement: W icon: "mdi:flash-circle" update_interval: ${update_time} #Total Watts AddOn4 - platform: template name: ${disp_name} Total Watts Add-on4 id: totalWattsAddOn4 lambda: return id(ct25Watts).state + id(ct26Watts).state + id(ct27Watts).state + id(ct28Watts).state + id(ct29Watts).state + id(ct30Watts).state ; accuracy_decimals: 1 unit_of_measurement: W icon: "mdi:flash-circle" update_interval: ${update_time} #Total Watts AddOn5 - platform: template name: ${disp_name} Total Watts Add-on5 id: totalWattsAddOn5 lambda: return id(ct31Watts).state + id(ct32Watts).state + id(ct33Watts).state + id(ct34Watts).state + id(ct35Watts).state + id(ct36Watts).state ; accuracy_decimals: 1 unit_of_measurement: W icon: "mdi:flash-circle" update_interval: ${update_time} #Total Watts - platform: template name: ${disp_name} Total Watts id: totalWatts lambda: return id(totalWattsMain).state + id(totalWattsAddOn1).state + id(totalWattsAddOn2).state + id(totalWattsAddOn3).state + id(totalWattsAddOn4).state + id(totalWattsAddOn5).state ; accuracy_decimals: 1 unit_of_measurement: W icon: "mdi:flash-circle" update_interval: ${update_time} #kWh - platform: total_daily_energy name: ${disp_name} Total kWh power_id: totalWatts filters: - multiply: 0.001 unit_of_measurement: kWhtime: - platform: sntp id: sntp_time