Arlec Grid Connect Smart 9W CCT LED Downlight (ALD092CHA)

Arlec Grid Connect Smart 9W CCT LED Downlight (ALD092CHA)

Device Type: light
Electrical Standard: au
Board: esp8266

Product Image

Sold at Bunnings in Australia. Model number ALD092CHA.

Flashing requires opening the inline driver (hence, exposure to line voltage), and soldering wires to the TYWE5P board inside. Flashing via tuya-convert is NOT tested. Assumed to be affected by New PSK format - Issue #483.

Colour temperature advertised on the box as 3000K for warm white, and 5700K for cold white.

GPIO Pinout

GPIO04Cold white brightness
GPIO05Warm white brightness


  • Open the driver by removing the four screws on the terminal covers, and then unclipping the back plate
  • On the underside, solder wires to IO0, Tx, Rx, and GND.
  • Easily flashed using esphome-flasher. Connect both GPIO0 and GND to GND on your USB-UART bridge (Puts device in flash mode), then Tx and Rx as required. Power the device up (CARE to avoid the live voltage lugs, traces, etc), and hit flash.
    • The device can also presumably be powered from a suitable USB-UART bridge by also soldering to the 3.3v pin (labelled as such) on the board, and powering from the bridge. This avoids having to plug the device in at the wall for flashing, and hence removes the risk of exposure to the line voltage. Not tested.
  • Once flashed, desolder the wires from earlier and re-assemble the device.

Basic Configuration

device_name: "living_room_light_1"
friendly_name: "Living Room Light 1"
name: ${device_name}
board: esp01_1m
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
- platform: uptime
name: ${friendly_name} Uptime
- platform: wifi_signal
name: ${friendly_name} Signal Strength
- platform: esp8266_pwm
id: output_cw
pin: GPIO4
- platform: esp8266_pwm
id: output_ww
pin: GPIO5
- platform: cwww
name: ${friendly_name}
cold_white: output_cw
warm_white: output_ww
cold_white_color_temperature: 5700 K
warm_white_color_temperature: 3000 K
constant_brightness: true
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